chapter 13

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Alex's Pov

It's  date time finally. I have been waiting for this moment all day. I took the day off from the restaurant so I can take her on a proper date. I didn't know what to wear so I asked for Sara's help.

We are going to grab something to eat but not something too fancy.

"How do I look?" I asked her while i was looking myself in the mirror.

"You look great. You don't need to be nervous. You got this." Sara said.

"What do you think about the place I chose for dinner? Isn't it a little simple? Should I take her on a restaurant. I should do that. Where is my phone?" I was looking for my phone when Sara stoped me.

"Alex, relax. It's just a woman. I haven't seen you like this since Summer."

"Yes but she is not Summer. She is not like us. She is a fancy doctor with rich parents. I can't give her that. What am I even doing? She is way out of my league." I said and sat on my bed.

"Look, you said the exact same thing for Summer. I don't know what they see in you but either your ugly face either that terrible body of yours but women like it. So relax and show her what you can do. Give her a night she won't forget. I know you can do that."

"You are an asshole you know that?"

"Yeah but you love me anyway." She smirked.

I stood up and grabbed my stuff.

"And you wish you had my body." I said winking at her making her laugh.

I got out of my room and bumped onto someone. I quickly grabbed the person so they won't fall.

"Mom." Lia said grabbing my hand.

"Are you ok princesses?" I asked her.

"Yes I am fine." She looked me up and down and raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going all dressed up? Don't you have to work?"

"No, uh um. I-." Sara shaw me struggle and decided to answer for me.

"She got the day of." She said to my daughter.

"Why? Were are you going?" Lia asked with curiosity. "Do you have a date?" She asked and I could see her getting uncomfortable with the idea.

"NO. No. I don't have a date. It's just...Sara wants  a favor so I am helping her." I said nodding at Sara.

"Yeah, she is just helping me out and we have to hurry now. Bye." Sara said pushing me out of the house.

"Why did you lie to her?" She asked me when we were out of the house.

"Well, it's too early. I don't even know what this is. Plus, she is not ready for that. Not yet at least." With that we entered the car.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am standing outside of her door. I hit the bell and wait for her to open the door. My anxiety isn't helping me. What if she doesn't want this? What if my outfit is not good enough?
What if...

My thoughts were interrupted when Silvia opened the door.  She is so beautiful. She is wearing a  black tight dress that looks great on her. It compliments her body perfectly.

"Wow. You look... incredible." She smiled at my comment and blushed a little.

"You are not bad yourself." She said.

"Well, are you ready?" I asked

"No" she said grabbing my hand pulling me in for a kiss. "Now I am." She was smirking.

She drives me crazy. Every time I she her she just makes me forget about my problems.

"I hope I am not dressed too formal." She said while we were walking together.

"Well, you are but it doesn't matter. You look great and I will surely enjoy the view."

"Should I change? I can go and change. I will be fast." She said and turn around to go back at her house.

"Silvia, relax. I am just kidding. You are perfect. Besides, I intend to take this dress off later. That is of course if you want me to." I said and pulled her against me.

"That sounds like a good idea. If you are a good girl I might think about it." She said and I kissed her again.

"Don't call me that." I said with a serious voice.

"Why? It suits you." She said smirking.

"Well, I don't like it and you know that. You are doing it on purpose to mess with me." Her smile got even bigger. She really drives me crazy.

"You know me so well."

With that we entered a small restaurant and sat on a table that a waitress  showed us.

I pulled her chair and made sure she was ok before I took my seat.

"So, I think we should talk about this. Us." She said. This caught me off guard.

"Well, you know my situation. You know about my wife and my daughters. You know I was alone for many years. But, I really like you. You make me feel things I haven't felt in years. I really like you."

"I know I am not the love of your life and that we are not going to get married and have kids but I really like you so, I think I am ok with that."

Before I could say anything else a waitress came to take out order. When we said what we wanted to eat she asked us about our drinks.

"I will have a water actually. What about you?" I asked Silvia?

"Well, water for me too."

I smiled and nod at the waitress to show her we are done. She smiled and winked back at me before she left. I looked at Silvia to see her with a raised eyebrow looking at the waitress then back at me.

"Did you just flirted with her? In front of me?" She asked annoyed.

"What? No I was just polite." I answered.

"Yeah, polite my ass. And didn't she saw me here. Why would she winked at you. Do you know her?"

"No I swear I haven't seen her before. But it doesn't matter if she winked at me or whatever she did or anyone else. I am here with you and you have all my attention."

She looked at me thinking for a while  before she spoke. "Good save. You are smooth."

"I have been trained." I said under my breath making sure she won't hear me.

The waitress came back with our drinks.

"So why water?" She asked me curiously.

"Well, since we are here I might as well tell you." I paused thinking a little. "I am sober for about 6 years..."

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