chapter 11

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Taylor's POV

I just entered the school with mom and Lia. Mom goes to see her new office with the principlal and Lia went with her friends.

I am looking for Nicole, my best friend. We are in the same class since preschool. She is the principal's daughter actually.

I found her in front of her locker making out with her girlfriend. "This is a public place. People can see you." I said after I fake coughed trying to get their attention. They didn't seem to mind me. "Earth to lovebirds!" I sighed. "Oh my God I can't with you two."

After a while they stopped making out and noticed me. "Oh, Tay you are here! I didn't saw you." Wayvs said to me.

"Of course you didn't you were busy sucking my best friends face in the middle of the hallway." I said taking some books out of my locker.

"Yeah, like that stopped you before from making out with anyone who is female." Nicole said hugging Waverly.

"That is not what I do anymore." I said and continued gathering my things.

"THE Taylor Dane is getting serious?" They both asked at the same time with their mouths open. " Who is the witch responsible for that? Because that's the only way you would stop fuck around." Nicole said

Before I could answer, a figure caught my eye from behind them. Emma, the captain cheerleader. The queen of the school, the golden girl. The dream girl of everyone who is attracted to girls. But she is not just a pretty face and a nice body -which she definitely is- she is also the kindest person I know. She is always ready to help everyone in need with a smile always in her face. And what a smile...
The smile that makes you want to die just to see it one more time.

I was caught on my own thoughts until Nicole hit me lightly in the back of my head. "Taylor are you bloody kidding me? I thought we were done with that subject. We talked about this since kindergarten." She said knowing exactly who I was watching.

"I tried, ok? I tried to get over her but... I just can't. I don't care what you say, this time I will try more." I am in love with this girl forever. I tried to get over her. I tried to move on, it doesn't work. Nothing does. "You can't stop me this time."

"Bro, it's not me you should be scared of. She is not MY girlfriend." Nicole said. "She is going to kick your ass. You now that?"

She is talking about Blake. Emma's girlfriend. And my 'nemesis'. We both wanted to be the captain of the soccer team but she got it. She takes everything but I can't do much, she is my captain...

She might be great for soccer but as a person she sucks. She is a bully. She thinks she is better than anyone. The worst thing for me, is the way she is treating Emma.

I wasn't treating right my ex girlfriend but I only cheated on her. I don't say that it was ok for me to do that but I never touched her without her permission or  insulted her or hit her. She did all of that  to Emma. I am not the best girlfriend but compared to her... I am an angel!

"Speak of the devil..." Wayvs said pointing at Blake. She had her puppets with her. This girls do whatever she says.

She grabbed Emma's wrist and pulled her with her without even saying goodmorning.

I can feel my blood boiling. "I am gonna kick her ass." I said angrily and Nicole pushed me back, stopping from doing something stupid.

"Taylor, think. We have a game in a few days. Fighting our captain won't help." She said trying to change my mind

"I can't let her treat her like that. What would you do if instead of Emma it was her?" I said pointing at Waverly.

She stopped and looked at her girlfriend. She left my hand free. "Go before I change my mind. But please be careful. And not something serious. We have a game. We can't lose our two best players!" She warned me but I was already going after Blake and Emma.

When I found them I saw Blake still holding her wrist  but they had stopped because Blake was talking to some other students. I could see by her look that Emma was in pain. 

Come on Taylor. You got this. For Emma.

Emma was drinking water whe someone bumped into her and made her spill it all over Blake's shirt.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Blake said to Emma with an angry voice and Emma just stood there with her mouth open and fear in her eyes. Blake pushed her against the wall that was behind her. Making her hit it pretty hard.

That's it!

"Hey!" I shouted and Blake turned around to look at me.

"Not now Dane. I am busy." She said looking back at Emma who was looking at the ground. Blake was going towards her

"I would stop if I where you." I warned her.

"Look, Taylor. I am happy to kick your ass but not right now."

"I would like to see you try." I said pushing her buttons. "Ohh, I forgot. You only hit your girlfriend. You have your puppets for the ones you can't fight alone." I said nodding, pissing her of more.

"Ohh, I will kill you with my hands." She said coming closer to me. She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pushed me against the wall opposite of the one Emma was.

She punched me in the face before I could do anything much. It was pretty hard. "Not bad." I said to her touching gently the place she hit me.

She went for another hit but before her hand could touch my face I ducked and she hit the wall. With a fast movement I punched her in the stomach making her fall on the floor.

I turn around to see Emma socked. I nodded at her and she nodded back at me.

I started going towards her to make sure she is fine when Blake grabbed my leg and pulled me down on the floor with her.

She punched me in the lip. Harder this time. I could taste blood. She put her hands around my neck and started choking me.

It was getting hard to breathe. I could hear Emma trying to talk to Blake to calm her down.  I have to think of something and fast. And just like that an idea came in my mind. With my knee I hit a specific place in her leg that she had hit in the match in Sunday.

She screamed in pain and let me free. Now I could see the people around us. Watching us fight.

I pushed her on the floor and got on top of her. I punched her in the face a couple of times. I was about to hit her again  when two strong arms pulled me of her and pressed against the wall but not hard.

I opened my eyes to see who it was.
Ohh, great...

My mom was the one holding me against the wall. Just by the look on her face I could tell I was in trouble.

"Both of you on my office now!" Said the principal that was standard behind my mother.


Author's note

Thanks everyone for your support.
I am sorry if I don't update that often but, once a week is the best I can do right now. School is a lot right now.

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