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I couldn't believe our luck. Well, it could turn out to be utterly useless, but it was better than nothing. I had rushed to Roger's room as soon as the Gamma demanded evidence, which- I get. But damn, this is frustrating. And we have nowhere near the rules or restrictions or systems that the human society does. How did they get anything done?

I had taken the phone when I heard some commotion downstairs, so I took and ran into my room, hoping he wouldn't notice. He didn't strike me as a very techie sort of person, and as I opened his phone (without the password), the barren virtual-land amazed me.

He had a few contacts here and there, and some photos in his gallery, and some basic text messages. No social media, and 60 tabs open in the browser.

This did not surprise me.

After they had left, I rushed down. We wouldn't have more than a couple of hours. There would be some basic questioning from Roger, and he would settle a bit, and then look for his phone. We didn't have a lot of time.

I was rushing into the room when I heard Kyle's voice. "-I love her, sir. And I will respect whatever decision she makes."


I shook my head, now is not the time. My father bumped into me as he was going out. I confirmed once that we were the only people right now.

"Well, good, because he left his phone here."

Kyle got up, and came to me. "Did you find anything?"

"One thing."

I showed him the call logs. At least, 2-3 calls a week to someone name Gracy. None of them received.

"Who is that? Mom, do you know someone names Gracy?"

She came to us, taking the phone from our hands. "No. He never mentioned that name."

I scrolled through his gallery, stopping short at some photos that were being automatically stored in his cloud drive. They were old, around 6 years old. He was holding a baby with a woman, and then that baby grew. Around last year, the photos stopped. I checked the call logs. They started a month after that. The first few were received, and cut short, and then she never picked up.

"Do you think that's his baby?"

Kyle looked at the photo, and his mother squinted her eyes. "You think...?"

"I do not put it past him."

"Is she human?" Kyle thought out loud.


"Does this count as proof, though?"

I paused. "It is something, right?"

"He is going to maintain his innocence. But you're right, it is something."

"I should call her." I mumbled.

"Kaea." I looked up, surprised to see my father still standing there. "We should go home." That wasn't a request, that was an order.

"Dad, but-"

"Come. You need sleep." He looked to Kyle, who looked at me and smiled slightly. Weird.

"Fine, but I need to call her."

They know I am stubborn and won't listen to them, so I went ahead anyway. I transferred the photos to Kyle's phone, and saved the number in mine. Deleting all the evidence, I rushed back to his room, and slipped the phone between the sheets in the corner, somewhere a phone might have naturally been lost.

Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now