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"What a bitch." Lee stated it so simply, in such a matter-of-fact voice that I had to laugh.

"Which part?"

"The whole part. Kyle says sorry after dong the stupidest, worst thing like a bitch. Your new boyfriend tells you that your mate is half in love with you like a bitch. You now have to train with goddamn Kyle for a job you don't even want like-"

"-like a bitch." I laughed. It felt so good to be around Lee. It had been less than 24 hours since I had met her, but so much had happened.

She smiled but shook her head. We both sat next to each other in a comfortable quiet during the lunch break when an uncomfortable thought struck my head again.

"Lee, can I ask you something?"


"Could I be wrong?"

She frowned. "What?"

"You know? Could I be wrong about Kyle? What if it was me who pushed him away?"

She frowned even deeper. "What the fuck are you going on about?"

I sighed, and then told her everything I had been feeling since yesterday. What our relationship was like when were young. I was jealous, he was sweet. And then one day he just wasn't.

"You were kids Kaea! Kids do stupid stuff all the time. That doesn't mean you do stupid stuff even when you grow up. This is very clearly not your fault."

"Yes, but it started out small. And it grew bigger and bigger. What if it was still my fault? Because I never tried to be...nicer?"

She looked at me like she couldn't believe she was hearing me speak. "That-what? Alright, tell me this- do you believe crime of passions are still crimes?"


Her eyebrows rose. I took a deep breath, she was right of course. I shouldn't beat myself over his mistakes.

But I was curious as hell about was that what really pushed him? How did his attitude change in a matter of days?

Maybe I would never know.

"I have to go to the pack house." I rose up, slinging my bag over my shoulders.

Lee got up, too. "Can I come? Jacob's busy today. He said it wouldn't be a problem if I came but I know he needs his focus. That idiot," she said, rolling her eyes with a smile on her lips, "he thinks he is going to hurt me by saying he needs some time alone once in a while."

I smiled at her, too. They both understood each other, and yet were always making sure they didn't do something that hurt the person. It was building towards such a healthy relationship.

"Come along."


"This is last year's monthly budgeting. Your mom and I go over budgeting once at the start of the year, and then the start of every month. Every three days, your Beta is responsible for making sure that the budget is on track. Armory, food for the homeless, rent, other miscellaneous expenditure- everything is in it. Go over it, and then I will give it to Kaea. Then you both will sit and tell me how you plan to make this work. If you are wrong, that is okay. Remember you are here to learn. Make all the mistakes you want in here. Out there though? The world isn't quite as forgiving." My father said, handing me a huge bundle of paper.

It was fascinating to see him in his full-Alpha mode. He walked more upright, with more confidence and his presence demanded respect. He didn't lose the warmth in his eyes, but the steel in there had hardened. Beta Avans, too. He had somehow become harder, not just stricter.

"Kaea...?" I asked. I wanted to see her and not see her at all, at the same time

"She, unfortunately, couldn't come today for training. She will be here, tomorrow, though. She will come-"

My father cleared his throat. "She will be here, tomorrow. You go over your work, alright?"

"Where do I sit?" I asked him. The library was empty. But the orphaned kids hung around there sometimes. And these kids, however adorable, were the definition of chaos.

"Anywhere you want."

Library it was then. 

Hey guys!

In the media box, you'll fund a nice chill, summer beat. It's called "Mint" and truthfully I have no idea who made it soooo....

Still I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for more :)


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