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I was surprised when I was called in first.

"There's only a couple of questions I need to ask you." Gamma Lucien said.

I nodded.

"First is, could you recount the night this happened?"

I told her about him coming to my home, being an utter asshole, going to Kyle's house, and Kyle punching him twice and knocking him out cold. But that's all he did, I swore.

"How many times he hit him?" She asked, and for a second I was very surprised. But-

Three punches. Two to knock him down, one which made him unconscious.

And then it was all a blur. Kyle told his parents, and we were sent away.

"And what do you have to say about bullying allegations against him?"

My heart thudded fast in my chest. "What?"

She sighed. "Kaea, if you are saying this out of a sense of fear, because you are afraid what he would-"

"No!" I said. I took a deep breath. "Look, Gamma, what he did was unjustifiable, and he knows that. But he has changed, and he has asked for forgiveness so many times. And I have forgiven him."

"You are also his mate."

I gulped, my mouth dry. "Yes, but that has nothing to do with me forgiving him. We- it is a long story. And it took me a long, long time to forgive him. But he earned it."

She nodded slowly. "Do you see him as a fit Alpha?"

"Of course. He is dedicated and very loving. He works very hard, and he has never expected any sort of recognition from the people. I don't think you can do much better than him."

She nodded. "Thank you, you can go."

I nodded, and as I came out, I saw him, and he smiled at me. I smiled back and waved three fingers at him. He looked at me confused, but before I could say anything else, he was taken inside.


I sat on the chair, trying to look sincere, when what I really wanted to do was become a total asshole, scream about the ways I would ruin people if they even tried to touch my family or Kaea, and throw an utter rage fit.

So I resorted to slowly rubbing my thumb on the edge of the table. Gamma Lucien sat in front of me. "I heard you and your family snuck in during the witness statement. Did you want to hear how your trained substitute was fairing?"

I looked up, and one of her eyebrow was raised. "No. I wanted to hear what she had to say. I assure you that I didn't know what she was going to say. In any case, I sent you the photos we got from Roger's phone. She is not lying. And as far as I am concerned... I still have scars on my back. You can see clearly they were from a belt."

She didn't say anything, but I knew enough about her to know that her silence meant she believed me. "Whether or not he committed the crime still doesn't take away from the violence he suffered through you hands. It wasn't self-defense."

This time I said nothing. "Your father has repeatedly pleaded guilty about this. He says you didn't touch him."

My mind whirred. And then I looked to the black glass, where Kaea would have been standing had that been allowed.

"You have a history of bullying." She said, noting where my eyes went.

My mouth went dry.

"Kaea Avans. Bullies are usually prone to such violence. Tell me, how should I, in good conscience, allow you to preside over this pack? To take the responsibility of a thousand people on your shoulder?"

I took a deep breath, looking at the glass again. If there was one thing that the past few months had taught me, it was that being honest was the best thing I could do.

"You are a fair person, Gamma Lucien. So here's the truth- I did knock Roger out. But only knock him out. I went to my room, then, because me father told me to go. I don't know where he got the rest of his bruises from."

"How many times did you hit him again?"

I looked at her confused, but then the image of Kaea waving her hand weirdly at me with only 3 fingers flashed in my mind. That cunning little...

"Not more than three." I said, and she once again remained silent. Then she looked at her notes, gripping them hard.

She stared at me, her eyes hard. "And Kaea?"

"I think that is something you should ask her."

"I already have. She is quite taken with you, it seems."

I looked at her, pissed at what she was insinuating. "Kaea is a very logical and unbiased person. Her opinion of people isn't colored by irrelevant things. She has a very good head on her shoulders."

Her eyebrows rose. "I see. But I think this is still something you need to comment on. How can we have an Alpha with a history of bullying?"

I closed my eyes. There were some things that haunted you for your entire life. I looked into her eyes. "I have never been more ashamed for anything in my life. I never hated myself as much as I did when I was that person. But I am trying hard to change. I love her. I love this pack. And I have never let anything personal come in between my responsibilities, and you know that. If you are checking my record, you should check for the better things I did too. I will be a good Alpha, and that is something the whole pack believes in. Including you."

She stared at me, but then let out a small smile. "You are very confident."

"I don't think you would appreciate a meek Alpha at any rate."

She took a deep breath. And for a few minutes didn't say anything. "You will do some community service but- your father will be punished. He will have to resign." She said, and even though I expected something like that, I had hoped against hope that she would not say it. "I am telling you this because you need to prepare yourself faster. While the majority of the pack will stand with you, there will be people who think you got away easy."

She stood up, collecting her papers. "I am telling this to you straight, Kyle. It will not be easy for you. People will look down on you, and you will to have be a better, much more composed Alpha than even your father has been." She bent down, and I could feel the intensity in her eyes. "You will need to prove yourself. I am taking a risk at my name, because people will accuse me of being unfair. You need to prove to them I took the right decision today."

I nodded.

She left the room, and I sighed. Looking at the ceiling. The official verdict will be I pulled the initial hits, nothing too bad. Things on a football ground.

But it was my father who beat him black and blue.

The worst part was, the past few days I often asked myself that if I could take it back, take back me hitting him... would I? I thought the answer was easy, of course, I would.

But my heart didn't quite agree. 

In the media box, you'll find, "The Butterfly Effect by Before You Exit".

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