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Kyle hadn't come to school today. We were going to graduate pretty soon though, so it hardly mattered. I didn't know why I still went. I could take days off, nobody would bother me. Alpha and my father had talked to the school authorities.

Actually, I did know. Why the hell would I willingly go to the snake's lair? School was so much of a prettier option.

And yet, here I was, standing in front of the lair of the snake himself. Lee shoved me lightly on the shoulder. "It's alright that I am here, right?"

"I don't see how it could be a problem, to be honest." It was going to be a ten-minute talk, Lee could hardly be bored.

As I walked inside, the two guards posted outside greeted me amicably. Lee whistled, "The perks of being the Beta's daughter."

She wasn't wrong. It didn't bring more money or more of anything much but power and respect. Both of which I didn't have in my natural environment- school, people my age.

I only had respect from people who hardly affected my life because I was somebody's daughter. And I knew I shouldn't complain, because most people had so much worse. But it was hard to not be even a little bothered by it.

We passed the library, and Lee pointed at it. "I will just wait in there."

I nodded. When I reached the Alpha's quarters, I knocked twice, and opened the door just a bit- to let him know I was here.

"Ah! Kaea!" He smiled at me, and I entered the room. My father wasn't here, he must be in his own quarters. Kyle wasn't there either.

I let out a small breath. "Good Evening, Alpha Kovich."

While Kyle's father seemed to really like me, he had never asked me to call him by name. I understood that- an Alpha needed to keep others in check. My father didn't mind, though. Nor did the Luna.

"Sit." He motioned to the seat in front of him, pushing away a stack of papers in front of him. He smiled at me again. "I hear you are going to start training tomorrow?"

Nervously, I nodded.

"Good, that's good."

He fell silent, and I wondered if there was any purpose of calling me here. As soon as I was about to ask if I could go- he steeped his fingers, and looked me right in the eye.

I gulped. Some distant part of me noticed that Kyle had his fathers eyes.

"I wanted to ask you about some rumors I had been hearing."

Shit. Fuck. No.

"It has been brought to my attention that... Kyle doesn't treat you well."

Fucking hell.

"Is it true?"

Why was he asking me? He should ask Kyle. He should ask his own son. But, then I realized- why would he tell the truth? I would.

But how do I say it to his father? How do I let my father know that his daughter is... not what he thought she was?

That I was unhappy. If he knew, he would be broken. My father's protective instinct was so huge, it was the reason I didn't tell him half my problems. He always thought he could fix everything.

My mother would feel so betrayed- I shared just about everything with her. Except this. And, it was a big part of my life.

I shook my head lightly, but it felt like an hollow gesture to me. So, I uttered the words, too. "No."

He didn't take his eyes off me. He didn't entirely believe me. "Kaea, you can tell me. I know my kid. I know he is hardworking, responsible, and devoted to his people. He loves them. But, I also know that good people can do awful things. If you ever tell me... anything of that sort about him- I will believe you. I will don my part as a father and straighten it out. I will do my part as an Alpha and see that he receives punishment. Alright?"

I nodded and plastered a smile on my face again. "There is... nothing to worry about, sir."

He didn't nod. Didn't give me any indication that he believed me. "It was nice seeing you again, Kaea."

Well that was my cue to go.

The library was huge and smelled of wood polish and old books. Sunlight peered in from the windows, casting a cozy light throughout the room. It was surprisingly cool, given the warm weather outside.

I didn't call out for Lee, in case there was someone here studying. I didn't want to be their nuisance while they studied.

It took a bit of wandering before I found someone. It wasn't Lee.

I should've known that the day couldn't possibly end without me seeing him at least once. He was studying intensely, a pile of papers beside him. Suddenly, he looked up, but I hid behind a pillar.

Darn this mate bond.

I peeked again. He had returned to his work. I didn't know why I stood there and watched him like a creep. But he looked so serene, and- just unlike what I knew him to be.

He frowned once more, and I hid before he could look this time.

Fuck this shit, I am out.

But as soon as I was about to go, a couple kids entered the aisle from my side, and to not look like the definite creep I was being, I pretended to look through the bookshelf.

"Kyle!" One of them, the older one shouted. I peeked again, and saw him wrapping his arms around his neck.

I thought Kyle would throw the kid to the ground or something. Or at the very least, he would tell the kid to go away, let him be in peace.

But he just laughed. And the laughter was the purest, most beautiful thing I had ever stopped. My heart stopped a little, and I realized I had never heard him laugh.

"What, kiddo?" He asked warmly.

"You promised us soccer." The other kid, a girl, said.

"I am sorry, Rebecca. I am a little busy right now."

"Not fair!" The girl exclaimed, and the boy 'Ummhmm'ed with her.

"Well, work is important, right?"

"But you promised us!" The girl said again, and the boy again agreed with her. "You are the only one who teaches us this. The other people don't have any time. And if you don't, too, who will play with us?"

Silence filled the room. Kyle sighed. "Not more than hour."

'Yes' and 'Promise' filled the room, as the kids excitedly led Kyle put, right through where I was standing.

And I had nowhere to go. This is exactly why parents tell you to never slyly spy on people or eavesdrop.

I tried to be busy with the books again, but failed miserably when Kyle smiled at the kids again, and looked right at me. That is when I realized I had been staring at him.

His smile disappeared a little and an awkward silence filled the room. I quickly looked away.

"Who is she?" The girl asked, tugging at his hand.

For the first time, he didn't pay any attention to her. He just kept on looking at me. "Hi."

What the fuck? Hi?

I nodded ever so slightly, and hurried the hell out of the library, not sure what I was doing anymore. My mind was a mess.

I walked a little farther away, and decided to call Lee anyways. People could be disturbed for a couple seconds.

It was when I rested my face on my hands, waiting for Lee, that I realized that my cheeks were unbearably warm.

In the media box, you'll find- "Anxiety by Anna Clendening".

Kaea is anxious and maybe... So is Kyle. Also this chapter is like... 1300 words. Whoa.

See you next week!


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