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"Are there really snakes here?" Kaea asked me, tucking a hair behind her ear. She sat on a rock, arms around her knees, looking like an actual angel. If angels wore denim jackets.

"Not too many."

She glowered at me. "You asshole."

I shrugged. There were some snakes here, and three times I had just escaped them. But any jungle untouched by humans had them, this was no different.

She really seemed to love it here, as she continuously gazed at the sight in front of us with wonder in our eyes. We were pretty far up, diving into the lake from here meant breaking some bones. Even as werewolves.

"How did you find this place?" She looked at me, straight in the eye. I loved that about her, she gave her full attention to people. It also made me insanely jealous that she never did that for me.

"I like to drive."

"That was such a detailed story, wow."

I grinned, once again surprised at how easily it seemed to come around her. There was a time when all I showed to her was stony silence, evil laughs and a cold demeanour. Even thinking about that made me want to hurl myself at the bottom of the lake.

But I had made mistakes, and I was strong enough to own up to them. I looked at her, her beautiful eyes, her soft lips, and wondered what had changed in the last few days.

Maybe Abigail was right, I had been insanely stupid not to realise so many things.

Like how I had always been drawn to Kaea. How my bitterness had made me twist my head.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me." She sighed.

"It's... personal."

She didn't say anything. "It is far from home."

"Far enough that people don't find you."

She glanced at me sideways, and I shut up. A small smile cam on her lips.

"I didn't know you would need places to escape to. Your life..." She paused. "I always thought it was pretty perfect."

"No one has the perfect life." I couldn't bring myself to explain.

She looked at me thoughtfully. "I guess you are right."

I was glad she didn't ask me anything further, because I felt comfortable enough around her to spill everything.

Suddenly she clutched my arm. "Look! A shooting star!"

One fell, and then another, and then another. But she was looking at me. "Wish for something. Maybe the perfect life, huh?" She closed her eyes, still clutching my arms.

I looked up again, and another star fell.

Let her wish come true.


I woke up the next morning, the happiest I had ever been. Not the giddy, high type of happy. A peaceful, calm sort of happy.

I couldn't believe last night happened.

Last night just played in my dreams on repeat. I was absolutely dreading today. What if it was all a dream?

My clothes told me otherwise, so did the smeared makeup.

But what if it was a one-time thing? What if it never happened again?

Oaths don't have to mean anything. His oath was to protect to protect me. It wasn't to make me happy, it wasn't that he would never hurt me.

Protect can be such a small word, and such a big word at the same time.

Oaths weren't a guarantee. And people almost always found ways to bend around it. We have all read stories of naughty faes, of broken hearts, of painful endings.

Way to start the day, Kaea.

But I was scared. I didn't know why. I was happy and scared. Because while Kyle smiled and had fun, it wasn't... all. He still had walls with more bricks than the Great Wall of China.

Is the Great Wall of China made with bricks?

Why did I even care?

I am giving him a chance, right? Maybe I am being just too willing to give him a chance. Am I being... easy?

What if I am just a conquest?

Maybe he is just putting in so much to prove that he would always win. Goddess, I don't trust that guy at all.

As soon as I showered, and got out, I heard a car and a couple minute later, Lee was inside my room. "I need to hear all the details!" She announced.

"Hello to you to, Lee." I said, dryly.

"Details, right fucking now."

I laughed. "Calm down."

I told him all about the rides, and the vomitings, and with a reluctance about a "spot in the hills". I didn't tell her exactly where, because I didn't think Kyle would appreciate someone else being there.

Hell, even if I wanted to, I barely knew where exactly it was.

She gave me all the right reactions, which made telling the whole thing so much more interesting. By the time I finished, her eyes were wide.

"Wow, sounds like a dream date, to be honest."

It was, but my brain definitely was casting some doubts, and I thought I was doing a good job when I nodded and smiled. But this was Lee, and she saw right through it.

"What's wrong?"

"Why would you think something is wrong?"

"Because you didn't correct me when I said it was a date. Also, you are way less excited than you should be." She bit her lip. "Did something else happen that you are not telling me about?"

"No, no. I told you everything." I sighed. "I just... I just feel I am going to be let down so bad, you know? Like I am being... easy." Bile filled my mouth as I said it. I hated the phrase.

She stared at me for a couple of seconds. "You are giving him a chance, Kaea. Not your life."

"I know, but what if I am wrong to?"

"That is what chances are about. It is half a step to see if you should stay where you are, or come forward."

I pondered on her words. "Thanks, Plato."

She rolled her eyes.

I gulped. "I just... I don't know what this chance is for. Is it so I can forgive him or...?"

"I guess forgiveness comes first, and then the second thing."

She was right, I was overthinking this too much.

Small steps, baby, small steps.


In the media box, you'll find, "count on by shallou ft colin". 

I was wondering, how many of you do listen to the songs that I post? Not that there is anything wrong if you don't, I was just curious. because you might find an artist you come to love among these, because I, too have found many artists when I set out to find music that fits the chapters.

See ya!


Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now