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My mouth dry, I looked outside. We had left our town, and were driving with hefty speed. He was focused on driving but I could taste the tension in the air. Either we would end up murdering each other, or we would have a good time and it is going to fuck with my mind.

I wasn't sure what I wanted.

Maybe I was overthinking again. I had noticed recently that I tended to do that a lot.

"Music?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He was still immaculately focused on the road. Too focused, in fact.

"What do you want to listen to?" I asked again.

"Whatever you want."

"Oh come on, Kyle. Engage in some conversation."

His face went slack again. He sighed. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Nothing." Crap. I was sounding like such a cliché.

"You know, someone once yelled at me that I should figure out what I want to say first."

Fucking asshole. "Oh, and we can all see how successful you've been at that."

He half-rolled his eyes. "Unlike some people, I actually try."

"Are you saying that I don't try?" He is not wrong, but I can't stand the thought of this coming from him. And isn't he supposed to be the one making up to me?

"No! I-" He took a deep breath. "Do we really have to banter again?"

I sunk into my seat. "I guess we can let go of it for today."

His eyes crinkled, and he tapped thrice against the steering wheel. "Thank you."

I looked outside, but it was only jungle and trees. And the occasional bird. "What music do you want to listen to?"

"I don't know. Some Beatles?"

"Are you saying that to look cool?"

Silence. "Yes."

I laughed. "Really though? Maybe some Taylor Swift?"

He made a disgusted face but then quickly hid it. "Uhh...sure."

I laughed again. I liked Taylor Swift but I wasn't about to torture the poor guy. But then I thought- of course I was.

Bring it on, Taylor.


"We are here." He said, much like a zombie. "Can you please turn that off now?" He was snappish.

Shake it off was blasting through his speakers and I was humming to it. I thought about saying, 'No! Just five minutes more', but then Kyle looked like his brain would start coming out of his ears.

"Sure." I turned it off, and he took a breath of utter relief. He perused inside his pockets, and took out the tickets. "It's not a very big fair."


"There won't be many big and fun rides." Was he...nervous? He was constantly folding and unfolding the tickets, but he was looking me in the eyes.


He just stared at me for another second and then got out. I followed.

The fair was... not small. I don't know what kind of fairs he thought I used to go to but this was pretty huge. It had a giant wheel, about a couple hundred stalls, and so many rides to try it would take me a couple nights to get through them all. Hundreds of people milled about under the hot sun, softies in their hands, or chugging water. Huge, happy smile on their faces.

Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now