41. MOOD

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Her reaction was... amusing. Had I really been giving the impression of a murderer all these years?

I hoped not. I mean, I hated Kaea, sure. I didn't now. Sometimes I felt she didn't either, but then she was crazed to see me doing something like this.

It had felt...right. It felt right to see her smile. To see her eyes light up, to shut her up for two seconds.

It felt right to do this. Her eyes, amber, maybe they were light brown- I had been studying them for a decade and I still couldn't place them, but they were beautiful. They hid so much, and gave away so much.

Like cryptography. You just needed the key to unlock the whole code.

She had passed the ball to Rebecca, even when she knew that maybe Rebecca wouldn't be able to make that shot. But she did. She believed in her.

The way she set Jackson straight, the way her collarbone peeked out from her shirt, the way she bit her lips. Everything about her was driving me crazy.

Getting too ahead of ourselves, aren't we?

A small voice in my head spoke up. That part was right. She might never forgive me.

And it had been what- Two days? Three days? – Since we had actually started talking properly. There were times when she was heartless, ruthless- just horrible to people. And whenever I thought it was too much, that gave me enough reason to keep going.

She still wasn't as horrible to people as I was to her.

I sighed, eyeing the bottle of whiskey in the kitchen, then rollin my head back, I closed my eyes.


"He did what?!" Lee screamed through the phone. "What the hell?!"

"I don't know." I whispered furiously. "Can you speak a little less loudly? My ears are bleeding."

"Sorry." She said, still very loudly. "I am just so... confused."

"What is confusing about this? This is just well.. out of nowhere."

"Exactly, my point. What the hell is going on in his brain? And he asked you on a date? What the hell?"

I let out a breath. I had no idea what was going on in his brain. I had tried to unravel it, thinking there would be an answer. I had found two. One would hurt me & break me and the other would scare the bejesus out of me.

"I don't know, Lee. You think I should go?" I wanted to. I really wanted to. Half because I was curious, but half because some part of me really did want to.

"Well he swore an oath. He won't murder you, or do anything wrong. But Kaea... what if he is just trying to emotionally manipulate you?"

"You think that?"

"I mean... I don't Kaea. I don't exactly trust him, you know."

She was right. I could be walking myself right into a trap of emotional nightmares. What if he was manipulating me? What if him trying to be nicer was just another step into his stupid, psycho plan?

I didn't trust me farther than I could throw him. And I couldn't throw him whatsoever.

But what if he wasn't? What if this was his way of showing that he was changing?

Only one way to know.



"What?" My dad asked, eating a toast and glancing at me.

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