21. WHY?

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"Kaea? Are you okay?" Lee ran to me as soon as I stepped out of the room. "I heard they locked you inside a closet."

I watched as Kyle took Abigail's hand, and then looked at me. I smiled, because I knew this was going to happen. I knew he would never feel differently, I knew she would be his Luna-

And I knew this shouldn't hurt me. But it did.

"Kaea!" Lee shook me.

Andrew came over, eyes wide and frantic. "I am so sorry, Kaea, I told them that five minutes would be fine, but nobody-"

"It's okay, Andrew, I am okay. And it wouldn't have been your fault."

I glanced back, but Kyle and Abigail had already, disappeared, hand in hand, off together somewhere.

"Let's just go." Lee said. "I am so sorry, K, I should have been there."

I sighed. "Lee, I love you, but you have to stop thinking you are responsible for me. Please? I am an adult, too, you know."

Lee looked at me with concern. "I know. But, Kyle is nothing short of a monster when it comes to you."

I smiled at her. "I can handle it. I can now."

"What even happened inside that closet?" Lee asked, holding my hands.

"Nothing. Where is Jacob?" I never hid anything from her, but this would come with no consequences. It meant nothing. It was nothing.

She looked at me with narrowed eyes for a few seconds, but then pointed outside. "Getting the car."

"Let's go."


The party ended a couple of hours ago, and Mason had been frantically asking for Kaea's number, but nobody had it. Unsurprisingly. I had told them all to delete it at the very start of this year. I was the only one who had it, and Mason was adamant on not talking to me at all costs.

Finally, after all his guests left and I lounged near the swimming pool, drinking shots after shots to stop thinking about what it all meant, he came to me.

"I cannot believe you did that."

I closed my eyes. "I did nothing, Mason."

He kicked me over, but I rolled and got up. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Get out of my house."


"I asked one thing of you. One thing! And you couldn't even do that. How can you not be ashamed of hurting her so much?"

"I. Did. Not. Hurt her." I stood in front of him. "It was a fucking game. It was a game about kissing. How much could I hurt her in that?"

He stared at me. "Do you have her number?"


"Don't lie to me."

I stared at him in return, and his eyes widened. "Why?" He asked curiously.

"Because what was the point? You don't need to have someone's number to hate them. You don't need to know everything about them. You don't-" I took a deep breath. "-You don't need to know them."

He checked his watch and grabbed two cans of beer. Sitting down beside me, he handed me one. "Wanna talk?"

"I thought you hated me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows as I opened my can.

He rolled his eyes. "No, I am just mad at you. And I can't believe I am saying this, but I do... love you."

His disgusted expression as he said it made me want to laugh so hard, it was hard to keep myself from laughing loudly. "That wasn't too hard, was it?"

He took a sip of his beer, and stared at the pool, as the lights glimmered off it. "You have been hiding it for so long, man, don't you think it's time to let it out?"

"Hiding what?" I asked, knowing fully what he meant.

"Fine, you'll come at it and tell me one day."

I smirked at him as I took another sip. He shook his head in exasperation.

"Kyle, what...what are you going to do?"

"Are you asking me if I'll 'change my ways'?" I quoted. "No."

He sighed. "Kyle."

I frowned at him. "Look, I know you never approved of this much. But you were never so disturbed by this. What the fuck happened?"

"You crossed a line." He monotoned.

"Your line must be very high if you never came to it before this."

"Exactly my point."

I shook my head, trapped in my own words.

"Just tell me- why?"

"Then I would have to tell you what she did."

"No, tell me why are you still seeking revenge on her? What she did-was it so horrible that you are still doing this?"

Was it? What she did- did she deserve this? Did she deserve all of this?


He breathed audibly. "Then why do it?"

Because I can't seem to stop. I look at her, and I want to do more and more and more. I can't stop.

"Because I like it."

He laughed. I looked at him, surprised. "Do you like the torture or do you like the way it pushes her to you?"

I didn't know, so I didn't answer. And he knew to not ask again.

In the media box you will find- "Mercy- Shawn Mendes".
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