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"This party is going to suck ass." Lee said, putting on a red lipstick.

"Thank you for your optimism."

She grinned at me, looking breathtakingly gorgeous. I don't know what Jacob is going to say when he sees her wearing that, probably, 'Yeah, no, not that.'

Or he might just be a total sweetheart and know that the only person going anywhere with Lee is him. But, to be honest, jealously is it's own kind of fun. Just a tad.

"You look incredibly sexy." I looked ta Lee in the mirror, as I gazed back at my plain self. I had...mediocre sense of fashion. I knew how to look smart, casual, fun. But sexy? Not really my cup of tea.

Which is why Lee had made me throw out my light blue dress for a dark blue one. It had thin stripes going throughout my back. It ended an inch and half below my ass, and it was totally not my kind of dress.

Which is also why I didn't have it in my closet, Lee did.

"Smoky eyes." She grinned.

"It's gonna look good on you." With that red dress, it's going to look smoking hot.

"No, smoky eyes on you, K. With that dress, your hair open and straight, you'll look like you walked right out of heaven."

"Or that I am a sin in myself."

She laughed loudly, and I joined in- trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. This party is not a very good idea, but it is an idea. And I need ideas right now.

"Andrew is going to lose his mind when he sees you." She punched my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah? Well, Jacob's probably going to keep you at home all night, if you know what I mean."

"K, I kind of always know what you mean. Also, no way in hell am I going to let that happen. We can get to the party and then we will see."

"I gotta tell you, Lee. I never thought you were such a kinky son of a bitch."

"Neither did I."


"Andrew is here, K, you ready?" Lee yelled from the downstairs,just as I finished applying my lipstick. I could hear murmurs and hellos from the downstairs and immediately cursed myself. This was definitely not the second (first?) date I wanted.

He barely knows me, and is going to be immediately scrutinized by my friends? I mean, Lee alone would be enough to make him regret being born.

"Coming!" I yelled, putting on my heels.

Andrew looked amazing. Not particularly because he had put any effort in it, which made me want to just change my gender. Guys have it easy.

I guess.

"Wow. I mean... you- you just look...." Andrew just stared at me, and I want to say I smirked like a sly fox, totally confident in my powers of seduction, but really- I blushed hard and prayed to the Goddess that I don't slip and bump my head on my own heels and embarrass myself.

"Thank you. You... you look amazing too." Great going, Kaea, I have never seen such confidence.

Well, it's Kyle's fault that it is ruined.

I shook my head. Today is not the day to think about that stuff.

"You okay?" Andrew asked, holding out his hand. I gave him mine.

"I will be."


"What the hell is Mason? The prince of Baghdad?" Lee said, and I agreed. The mansion was huge. It was bigger than, well, any house I had seen. My extended family and my friends' extended families could still live here, and still nobody would have bathroom problems in the morning.

"This is... huge." Jacob muttered.

"You guys haven't been here?" Andrew asked, confused. "I thought Kyle and you were good friends?"

Well if that isn't the craziest question ever.

"You know Kyle?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, of course."

Jacob raised his eyebrows. "Great. Let's just go in."

I would but suddenly it felt like my legs were made of goo, and I died a little.

"Kaea, you okay?" Lee asked, rubbing my arms.

"No, no. I am freaking the fuck out."

"But... you said you were going to be fine?"

"I say a lot of things, Lee. It's kind of your fault if you believe all of them."

She sighed. "Well, I believe that one. Come on, you're going to be fine. We're all here."

I looked at all three of them, and finally nodded. The most that could happen is humiliation and death-by-embarrassment, right?

I am used to it.

Hey guys! I am posting another chapter on a Wednesday instead of a Friday because the next two days are going to be veryyyyy busy.

I know, I know. I promised you a party like two weeks ago, but even in this chapter they are still at the door. I just felt that Kaea's emotions for this party weren't explained enough.

But party scene next week! Promise!

In the media box you will find "Bang Dem Sticks- Meghan Trainor"!

This song is full of sexual innuendos, somewhat like Lee.

See you next week!


Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now