Chapter 1

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Re-edit: 1/25/21

On a dusky night in a dimly lit room, there is a person in the room wearing a dark purple robe that covers their whole body from head to toe. The person starts to light five candles set up on a large white cardboard circle with some strange symbols in the center of the cardboard. The person grabs a book from the dresser. The book looks wrinkled. Some of its colors start to fade away except for pictures of demons and ghouls on the book's front cover. The person began to read the book.

"Rege ad hunc mundum vocat exspiravit," the person said out loud.

Suddenly the candles change color to bright green then a strong wind comes into the room, blowing papers and small objects to the floor. The circle started to glow the same color as the candle. The summoner begins stepping away from the cardboard, feeling scared.

"Is this supposed to happen?" the summoner thought.

The candle starts to melt to the floor while still lit, and the wind goes inside the circle, making a bright green miniature tornado. Then a large green light flash in the room, making the summoner fall onto his butt, then he covered his eyes from the flashing light. When the light stops flashing, he sees another person in the room and the summoner quickly turns on the lights to see who else in the room. The summoner turns on the light, revealing the room is a bedroom containing posters of cartoons, video games, and superheroes hanging on the walls, a television with a game console, a lamp, a brown nightstand, and a green rug.

The summoner looks at the other person in the room. The person looks like a seventeen-year-old boy with messy white hair, toxic green eyes, and a slim and tall body. The teen wore a black and grey bodysuit with a white D symbol on his chest; he has a black and red cape, grey gauntlets and boots, a spiked shoulder pad on his left shoulder, a green skull ring on his right hand, and a green flaming crown over the teen's head. However, the standout point is that the teen is holding a white bag that says "Nasty Burger" in his left hand.

The summoner slowly gets up and asks the teen, "a-are you, the ghost king?" sounding like a scared kid

The teen crosses his arm and is not looking happy. "Yes, I am. Let me guess you're the guy that summoned me?"

The summoners shake his head yes.

The ghost king groans, "please tell me you didn't sacrifice anyone or animal to bring me here,"

"Um, no,"

"Thank god," the ghost king looked a bit relieved from that answer.

"Um, you d-don't look like the ghost king on the book,"

"Because I'm new, the ghost king who so happens was getting lunch,"

"S-sorry I d-didn't mean to interrupt your lunch,"

"How old are you?"

The summoners took off the robe's hood to reveal a twelve-year-old boy with semi-long brown hair and grey eyes. "I'm twelve,"

"Wait, you're just a kid. Where are your parents?"

"They went out and left me home alone,"

"Okay, what's your name,"

"Eli Barker, Mr. Ghost king."

"My name is Danny, Danny Phantom. Now Eli, can you send me back,"

"I don't think I can,"

"Why not?"

"It doesn't say in the book," Eli pick up the book and shows it to Danny, "I thought you would know a way to get back to your realm,"

"No, I don't. Can you tell me where I am?"

"You're in my bedroom,"

"I got that. I mean, what city or town I'm in?"


"Metropolis I never heard about this city before," Danny thought, then asked Eli, "Have you heard of Amity Park Eli?"


"Alright, let's try something," Danny thought. "Do you have a phone, Eli?"

"Um, yes,"

"I can. I see it for a second,"

Eli goes to his pockets; he pulls a smartphone, unlocks it, and hands the phone to Danny. "This a cell phone?"


"Wow, Tucker would love to have this phone," Danny thought.

He goes to the phone app and dials a phone number. He gets this, "we're sorry the number you are trying to reach doesn't exist. Please try another number," Danny hands the phone back to Eli.

Danny realizes, "great, I'm in another dimension, and I can't get home. I can't just catch a break,"

"Who did you try to call?"

"My sister,"

"Is she a ghost?"

"No, she isn't. Now let get back at the task at hand,"

Eli phone starts to ring, and he answers the call "hey, dad,"

"Eli, I'm just calling to check up on you. Your mom and I are coming home a few minutes earlier than we thought,"

"Alright, dad,"

"See you soon, son," Eli's dad hangs up.

Eli looks at Danny. "My parents are coming back,"

Danny sighs. "This isn't my day,"

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