Chapter 5 (Interlude)

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Re-edit: 1/27/21

The next day in Eli's room, Eli was sitting on his bed with his laptop. At the same time, Danny is floating above Eli with the magic book in his lap, going through the book's pages again. The two looked for more information about the magic book and tried to get Danny back to the ghost zone.

"Find anything yet, Eli?" said Danny

"Nope, it's a hard book to find on the internet Danny with no author name or even the publisher for it," said Eli

"Yeah, I guess it would be," then Danny found one page that has a spell to unleash a hellhound "who would ever summon a hellhound for what reason?" Danny thought.

"Hey Danny, I think I got something,"

Danny floats down to Eli as he goes to a website with a spooky background setting, an image of the book in the middle of it, and down below the image are text.

"What you got,"

"Well, so far the book is called 'the Book of wary spells',"

"Alright, but who wrote it?"

"Um," Eli read fast as he scrolls down to find who might have written the book, "so it says the book was written by Merlin the wizard, then some spell has been added on the book by an unknown second writer,"

"Really, Merlin? Come on. He's just a character in some fantasy book."

"It could be true, Danny, a lot of weird and crazy stuff happen over the years in this world,"

"Like what?"

"Like the time Gorilla Grodd mind control Kid Flash to try to kill the Flash,"

"...Right, anyway is there anything else about the book on the website,"

"So far, that's about it, but hey, at least we know the name of the book. That's a good start,"

"I guess,"

Eli turns off his laptop and puts it away. "So Danny, what is it like in the Ghost Zone?"

"Well, it's kinda peaceful if you ask me,"

"Really anything cool in the Ghost Zone?"

"Well, there is one part of Ghost Zone called 'Realm of the Far Frozen' where there are a bunch of Yeti-ghosts lives there, and they lead by my friend Frostbite,"


"And then there Lighting Arch that is maze toward Pandora castle with several mythological creatures guards it,"

"Men, I wonder what Wonder Woman knows about that part of Ghost Zone,"


"Wonder Woman she an Amazon princess from Themyscira; that place has tons of greek stuff on it,"

"Maybe I can go visit that place,"

"I don't think so. Amazons don't like any men on the island, and it's hard to find on a regular map,"

"Oh, nevermind,"

"Do you have a castle in the Ghost Zone?"

"Actually, I do, and it uses to be own by the pervious ghost king,"

"Anything interesting about it,"

"Um, not really. It's like any castle in the world except there is a ghost knight name 'Fright knight' that sleeps in my castle."

"that's pretty cool," Eli's phone buzzed, and he looked at a message. "Danny, I gotta go. I have to meet up with Riley at the arcade. I'll be right back in a few hours,"

"Hey, enjoy yourself, don't worry about me. I'll be fine,"

"Okay, Danny, see you later," Eli leaves the bedroom.

"I hope Clockwork is working on a way of bringing me back home," Danny thought as he put the book down on the bed.

(Author note: So I made a poll on who Danny should go out within the story. What are your guy's thoughts?)

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