Chapter 25 part 1

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High above Metropolis, a ghost portal opens up, and coming out of the portal is Danny and Dani. Danny closes the portal behind them, and he looks to see Dani's excited face.

"Men I can't believe we're in another dimension," said Dani

"Do you remember the rules Dani?" said Danny

"Yes I remember the rules geeze you are really acting more of a dad today,"

"Yeah well I don't want you get hurt or put into any danger," Danny ruffles Dani's hair

"Okay where to first?"

"First we go see this newspaper building,"


"Because it's unlike any type of building you can find in our dimension,"

Danny and Dani turn invisible, and they fly toward the Daily Planet, and Dani is amazed by the building.

"Woah, who designed a newspaper building?" said Dani

"Don't know but they seem to put a lot effort into it," said Danny

"And what's that building?" Dani points to the Lexcorp building

"That's Lexcorp don't go anywhere near that building,"


"Because I got a bad feeling about that place,"

"If say so Danny,"

Meanwhile, Superman is patrolling Metropolis and hasn't encountered any crime or incident in the city.

"Hm maybe I can stop my patrol early," Superman thought until he hears a cry for help in the distance "or not,"

Superman flies over to the docks. It seems as a dock worker is trap under large wooden pillars and barrels with a shipping container about to fall on the dockworker. Superman quickly grabs the shipping container and places it on another shipping container, and helps the dock worker out of the wooden pillar who doesn't should Superman face.

"Are you okay sir?" said Superman.

"I'll be fine. How about you?" said the Dockworker

"What do you mean," suddenly Superman felt weak for a moment and falls on to his knees "what's happen," Superman thought

"I guess this what the risk of being a boy scout," the dockworker being to take off his jacket and shirt then he grabs the rest side of his face and rips the skin off to reveal a robotic head


"It's good to see you again Superman the last time we met and I remember you throwing me into the ocean,"

Superman gets up from the ground and tries to put some distance between himself and Metallo. But then a large black and grey armored truck drives into the docks and stops near Metallo and Superman. Getting out of the truck are six men dressed in black body armor and carrying rifles. One of the armed men fires a tranquilizer dart at Superman's neck. Superman takes the tranquilizer dart from his neck and sees Luther's company logo on the side.

"Lex," Superman thought, then he passed out.

Metallo and the rest of the armed group get Superman into the back of the armored truck and drive off from the docks. Back to Danny and Dani, who are at a Mexican restaurant in their human form. Dani is wearing a green t-shirt, blue jeans, white socks, and brown shoes. Danny and Dani's food come to their table.

"So what do you think of Metropolis so far Dani?" said Danny

"I think this city is pretty great have you been to any other places?" said Dani

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