Chapter 20 (Interlude)

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The next day in Metropolis, Danny is flying high above the city after finishing some of his king duties early. He thought he would come to the city to see if anyone needs help.

"Hey Danny," Danny turns to see Supergirl flying up to him.

"Sup Supergirl," said Danny

"So, are you going to tell me what Batman wanted you for two weeks ago after the robot incident at S.T.A.R. Labs?"

"Well, I guess I have to explain a few things,"

"And that is?"

"You see, Supergirl, I am a hero, but I'm also," Danny reveals Supergirl his crown to her. "I'm the king of the ghost," then the crown disappears.

"Your Royalty!"

"I guess,"


"Short summary I beat the former ghost king name Parah Dark, and I was offered the job of being the king of the ghost zone, and I took the title and ruler of the ghost zone,"

"Why did you come to Metropolis originally?"

"Someone summons me because they thought it was cool to have the ghost king to be your friend,"

"Huh, I was expecting something more sinister than that,"

Danny shrugs then says, "so what do you think?"

"Well, it explains a lot of things when we first met, but this doesn't change much,"


"But I do have one question,"

"ask the way,"

"What's like being the king of the ghosts?"

"It's both great and stressful,"


"Sometimes I have to resolve one ghost problems or deal with whole tons of ghosts that wanted me to fix a few things in the ghost zone,"

"Wow, I can't manage to deal with all of that?"

"I find a way to help my ghost people out,"

"From the history books, I read that make a good king helping your people,"


"So if you're not doing anything, do you want to hang out?"

"I mean, sure, I got nothing else to do, but what do you want to do?"

"There's a football going on. I pass by we can watch up in the air where no one can distract us,"

"I'm not much a sports guy,"

"Hey, better than nothing,"

"It has been a long time I actually hang out with someone who's living or my own age," Danny thought, then said, "alright, let's go,"

"Great," Supergirl smiled, and Danny smiled back.

Danny and Supergirl fly to Metropolis stadium, where the Metropolis Meteors play against the Bay City Goldminers in a critical game to see who will go to the playoffs. Danny and Supergirl manage to grab hotdogs and soda from a hotdog vendor.

"Hey, Supergirl, can I ask you a question?"

"Danny, I ask you multiple questions. I think it's fair for you to ask me a question,"

"Alright, how did you and your cousin Superman get your powers?"

"Well, Danny, Superman and I aren't actually human?"

"You not,"

"Nope, we're actually Kryptonians in better words, we're aliens,"

"Woah, what happened to your guy's planet?"

"It's gone," Supergirl sighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"It's okay anyway, Superman and my mine power is power by the sun,"

"So you guys are solar heroes," Danny chuckled at his one joke.

"Your both king and comedian," Supergirl munch on her hotdog

"I try,"

Then they both look to see the Meteors kicking a fifty-yard field goal and hearing the roar of the crowd.

"So what the score now?" said Danny

"With my supervision, the Meteors are up to 27, and while Goldminers are down 24 five minutes left in the fourth quarter," said Supergirl.

"This game is close," Danny sips his drink.

"Yep," Supergirl finish her hotdog, "so any interesting ghosts in the ghost zone,"

"I do actually; there is a small dog name Cojo who slowly became my pet,"

"That sounds cute,"

"He is a cute dog, but when someone messes him, he turns into an enormous and angry dog,"

"Alright, no playdate with Krypto," then she asks, "any other ghosts?"

"Hm, there is a ghost named Amber who is a ghost popstar who is power by people calling her name and has a cool guitar,"

"Is she going to make an appearance in this world?"

"I hope not because I have no idea if she can behave herself,"

"Good to know,"

Danny and Supergirl watch the rest of the football game and enjoy each other's company. Elsewhere at a large tower with an L symbol known as Lex Corp, the CEO, and creator Lex Luther. Hw is in his main office looking at two computer monitors, one with data and another a video of Danny Phantom.

"Thanks to Dr. T.O. morrow, I can do my special project, but now I have to focus on another matter," Lex thought as he looks at the video of Danny Phantom fighting robots. "I have no information on this hero. He could be a threat to me in the future. I need to get more info on this, Danny Phantom," Lex smiled. "I think a little test for this hero can be good for me to know his full power,"

(Poll is closed, and you'll find out who Danny is going to date in the later chapters)

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