Chapter 29

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On a warm afternoon in Tampa, Florida, at an unpopular bar near a beach, Constantine was in the back of the bar smoking a cigarette. A green circle appeared right across from him, and Danny came out of it.

"You know, smoking is bad for your health, right?" said Danny.

"So is everything else in the world," said Constantine.

"So why am I here exactly?"

"I need your kingship with an annoying ghost that possesses my client's daughter."

"How are you having trouble with one ghost? I mean, don't you have any magical powers?"

"I do, but this ghost is tricky and getting on my last nerves."

"Fine, I'll help."

"Good. Now come along. We've got work to do."

Constantine and Danny walked up to a black Cadillac, got into the car, and drove from the bar to the large mansion near the beach. The villa was one-story and had a large pine tree at the side of the mansion. The two get out of the car and walk up to the front door. Constantine rang the doorbell. In a minute, the door opened to a middle-aged woman with red hair.

"Constantine, who is this?" said the woman.

"This is the answer to our situation," said Constantine.

"My name is Danny, and I'm here to help," said Danny.

"My daughter, I think it's getting worse now she's locked herself into her room," said the woman.

"Where is your daughter's room?"

"Upstairs, third room at the end of the hall."

Danny flies to the daughter's room and phases through it. He sees the room has pink wallpaper, stuffed toys in the right corner, and dolls in the left corner.

"This is definitely a girl's room," Danny thought.

Danny unlocks the door, but then he turns his attention and sees on the bed a girl around thirteen years old, wearing a purple dress and a white necklace. Then Danny's ghost breath comes out, and the girl rises and stands in the middle of the bed. Her eyes opened to glowing yellow eyes, and she had a creepy smile.

A dark and deep woman's voice comes out of the girl. "Who are you, boy?"

"Well, I'm Danny Phantom, the ghost king, so I command whoever you are to get out of this girl's body and go back to the ghost world," said Danny.

The ghost laughs, "Please, I have never heard of a ghost king. You can't be serious."

"I am."

"I'm not going anywhere, and I'm sticking to this body." The girl's body begins to fly up from her bed. "You better put up a fight then, king." the girl shoots a fireball out of her hand, Danny dodges it, and the door explodes.

"Okay, I got the ghost of the girl's body and am not hurting the girl," Danny thought.

Danny tries to get close to her, but he gets hit by a force field and bounces into the corner with the stuffed bears. Constantine walks into the room with a cigarette in his hand.

"I told you this ghost is tricky," said Constantine.

"Yeah, well, she doesn't respect the crown," said Danny.

"Shame, but I have an idea."

Danny gets up, "What would that be?"

"I've got a spell that would get rid of that force field, and you can do your ghostly magic."

"Got it."

Constantine says a weird foreign language that Danny has never heard of, bounces, and suddenly the ghost forcefield disappears around her body.

"What the hell is this?" So the ghost said.

Danny flies straight to the girl and phases into her body, grabbing the ghost out of her. Danny puts the ghost in a chokehold after the body falls onto the bed, and he gets a good look at the ghost.An older woman with dark green hair, missing her right eye, was wearing a hospital gown.

"I'll kill you all!" shouted the ghost.

"Yeah, not going to happen," said Danny.

He freezes part of the ghost, and she falls to the ground. Danny takes something he hasn't used in years, the Fenton thermos. He turns on the thermos and aims at the ghost. It sucked the spirit into the thermos.

"And done," Danny thought.

Constantine walks up to Danny "where did you get that thing?"

"This is something I got from special people," said Danny, putting it away.

The mom comes into the room and sees her daughter on the bed. She rushes to her.

"Is she going to be okay?" said the mother,

"Don't worry, miss, she'll be fine in a few minutes," said Danny.

"Thank you for both of you."

"No problem, ma'am, expect my pay next week."

The mom turns to Danny, "What about you?"

"I don't need to be paid. Helping people is what I do."

"Freakin' boycott," Constantine mumbles.

Danny and Constatine leave the mansion. Danny makes himself a ghost portal back home.

"So what are you going to do with that ghost?" asked Constantine.

"Let her out in the deepest part of the ghost zone so that she doesn't cause any trouble," said Danny

"Well, it's been a pleasure working with you, Danny."

"Thanks, see you later, John." Danny goes into the portal and it disappears.

Summoning the Ghost King (Old Version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat