Chapter 2

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Re-edit: 1/26/21

Danny and Eli clean up the mess in Eli's bedroom before Eli's parents come home, getting rid of the summoning circle, putting out the candles, and throw them away after the room is clean, Danny went to Eli.

"Alright, let me take a look at that book," said Danny

"Here you go," said Eli; he hands the book to Danny.

Danny put down his lunch on Eli's dresser and look through the pages of the book. Danny sees some pages that teach a person to either summon unworldly creatures or spells ranging from fire magic to ice magic.

"Where did you even get this book Eli?" said Danny

"I bought this book from an old book store in San Francisco at some old china town when I visited my aunt two weeks ago,"

"Way to spend your money,"

"Hey, the book was pretty cheap and look mysterious,"

"Right," Danny roll his eyes.

Danny finds the page for summoning the ghost king with an old drawing of the ghost king sitting on the throne.

"Okay, now where is the spell that can get me back to the ghost zone," Danny thought. But only to find that Eli was right about that book doesn't say and with the page for summoning the ghost king ending with the spell. "Who even wrote this book?" Danny go to the front cover and see the author-name has faded away "why does this situation have to be so complicated,"

Danny and Eli both hear the front door opening and then hear a woman shouting, "woah, that was great dinner, Harry!"

"Crap, that's my mom, my parents are here. You got to hide Danny," said Eli

"Don't worry, I got that cover," said Danny

Danny turns invisible and flies into Eli's closet. Eli's dad comes into the room. Eli's dad was tall and of average weight; he has a beard similar hair color as Eli but has blue eyes. Eli's dad wore a black suit, brown shoes, and a silver wristwatch.

"Hey Eli, how's it going?" said Eli dad

"Everything fine, dad," said Eli

"So your mom had a bit too much to drink,"


Eli dad sniffs the room and sees Danny's lunch on the dresser, "where did you get the food from?"

"Oh um, I order it from Foodhub," Eli made an innocent smile.

Before Eli's dad could say something to Eli, both of them heard Eli's mom shouting, "come on, Henry, come to bed with me! I'm feeling lonely! I need some company!"

"I have to go take care of your mom now. Goodnight, son," Eli's dad quickly closes the door.

Danny phase-out of Eli closest and made himself visible again. "I guess we don't have to worry about your parents at the moment,"

"I guess," said Eli

"Well, since I'm stuck here, you might as well tell me about your world," Danny grabs his lunch and takes out hamburger wrap in white wrapping. He took the wrapping off and started eating.

"Right, so I think the most important thing to know is that this world is full of superheroes and supervillains," Danny almost choked on his hamburger from what Eli said.


"Yes, like Metropolis is home to Superman,"

"What is he like?"

Eli points to a poster of Superman "he's brave, heroic, and has cool superheroes, and he usually saves the day in the last second,"

"I think got the idea of him,"

"Then there's the Justice League. It's like huge teams of superhero that help people all over the world,"

Danny finish his burger and put the trash into Eli wastebasket, and Danny laugh a little bit "you know, it kinda ironic that I got summon to a world full of superheroes since I use to be one back in my world,"

Eli has an excited face, "really? You were,"

"Yeah, I was. I did what any normal hero would do. I stop crime, help people need and beat evil ghost and send them back to the ghost zone,"

"So you were a ghost superhero, cool. But why did you stop?"

Danny look down on the ground, looking sad "well, let's just say something very tragic happen, and I was depressed for a few months until a person I know offer me something new,"

"Which is?"

"To be the ghost king since the old one was gone and I was the one who beat him, so I was next in line. I thought about the offer being the new ghost king, and I accepted,"

"Did it work out?"

Danny look back at Eli and smile "yes, it did actually, and most of the rules I made went well. I've gained a couple of new allies, and I became a pretty good king,"

"That's good to hear,"

"Right enough talk about my past for now there another problem to address,"

"That is?"

"Where I'm going to stay because I don't think it wise for me to stay in your home with your parents around,"

Eli comes up with the idea, "you can stay over at our next-door neighbor apartment,"

"How is that any better?"

"Well, our neighbor is never home, and he travels a lot plus, you got ghost power, and you can hide if he comes back,"

"That can work. Which way is your neighbor's apartment?"

"To the left,"

"Before I go, gotta ask why did you summon me in the first place?"

Eli made a nervous laugh. "I thought it would be cool to have a ghost king as a friend,"

"without knowing how to summon something back to the world,"

"I would've figured that out...eventually,"

"Uh-huh, see you tomorrow Eli,"

"bye, Danny,"

Danny turns invisible. He phases to the neighbor's apartment to see the apartment is luxurious. The living room has a glass table, a white tiger fur rug, and a crystal chandler; in the dining room, there is a flat-screen Tv, a large grey couch, and a few lamps. The stand out point in the room is the large window to show the city of Metropolis. Danny flew to the sofa and sat down. Danny made himself visible, and He looked up at the ceiling.

"Men, this is going to be interesting. I hope Jazz will be alright," Danny thought. He gets off the couch and checks out the rest of the apartment.

Summoning the Ghost King (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now