Chapter 9

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Re-edit: 2/1/21

A couple of days later, Danny is in Eli's room playing Eli's Nintendo Switch, giving himself a break from being a superhero for the day. Eli comes into his room holding the magical book in his hand and the other hand is his phone.

"Hey Danny, I think I came up with an idea to send you back home," said Eli

"Really How?" said Danny as he pauses his game

"See, what if I try to make a spell with some of the words from the spell I summon you here,"

"Are you sure it's going to work?"

"Well, either that or I use some sketchy phone number from an occult detective from Britain, and I'm pretty sure that a guy is a scam artist,"

Danny sighs "alright, let's give it a try" Danny gets up from Eli's bedroom and puts down the game.

"Good, I've come up with a spell that I use from google and the book," Eli puts the book down on his bed and open his phone to his note "oh, by the way, Danny, you making a name for self around the city,"


"Yeah, most people think you either a myth or mystery hero with no name,"

"I guess that kinda good,"

Eli pulls up the spell on his note, "okay, got the spell. Are you ready, Danny?"

"Ready I'll ever be,"

"Alright," Eli begins the spell "messurum ad rogim solo exspiravit,"

Then a ghost portal appears in the middle of the room, and Danny expects it. "Eli, I think you actually made a ghost portal," said Danny

"Is that a good thing?" said Eli

"Maybe I'll go see if this lead me back to the ghost zone,"

"Can you come back to my world if it does work?"

Danny smile "of course, Eli, we're friends,"

Eli smile back "good,"

Danny flies into the ghost portal, but it didn't take him back to the ghost zone. Instead, he's in the middle of the air at night and floating above a different city.

"Alright, that didn't work, now where am I?" Danny thought.

Danny turned himself invisible and flew around the city to see that it's gothic and in the night sky is a bat symbol. Danny looks down to see a payphone.

"If that payphone works, I'll call Eli to find out where I am," Danny thought.

Danny flies down to the payphone and turns into human form and is visible. Danny uses the payphone with some change he had in his pocket and calls Eli.

Eli picks up the phone, "hello?"

"Elli, this is Danny," said Danny

"Danny, are you calling me from the ghost world?"

"No, the portal took me to some city?"

"What city?"

"I have no idea," Danny look to see a parked van with the license plate that says above the plate number Gotham city' "okay, it looks like I'm in Gotham city,"

"Gotham city! You need to get out of that city quick,"


"That place is the most dangerous city in the country, and at night the city gets hectic,"

"Does this city has any superheroes in it,"

"It does; the biggest one is Batman, and he pretty scarier,"

Summoning the Ghost King (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now