Chapter 16

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Batman comes to the Watchtower Trophy room to find the Amazon princess Wonder woman looking at many displays of photos, medals, and artifacts. She took a particular interest in a photograph of the founding members of their first victory.

"Ah memories," Wonder woman.

"Diana," said Batman.

Wonder women look at Batman "yes, Bruce,"

"We got a problem, and we need your help,"

"What's the problem?"

"I'll get up to speed as we walk toward the questioning room,"

Danny has been getting bored since Zatanna left the room, unsure if she believes him being the ghost king.

"I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't," Danny thought; he leans back and looks up at the ceiling "man, I hope Riley and Eli aren't freaking out,"

Entering the room is Wonder Woman getting Danny's attention and eyes. He expected Zatanna to come back, not someone else with a strange yellow lasso on her right hip.

"Alright, I wonder who this woman is?" Danny thought.

"Hello Danny Phantom, I'm Wonder woman," said Wonder woman.

"Um, nice to meet you. Why are you here exactly?"

"I'm here to see if telling the truth,"

"So, you have a lie detector power?"

Wonder woman smirks "funny, no, I got something that is like that," Wonder woman takes the Lasso off her hip "this the Lasso of truth. It can tell me that you're telling the truth or lying,"

Danny was hesitant "okay, is it going to hurt?"

"If you lie too much,"

"...that seems fair sort of,"

"So are you ready,"

"If it means getting me out of this room, so sure I got nothing to lie about," Danny crossed his arm.

"Alright then,"

Wonder women hand Danny one end of the Lasso, and she holds the other end "so Danny, are you the ghost king?"

The Lasso started to glow. "Yes, I am the ghost king for about three years, which by the way, is no easy task. If you guys still don't believe me, then I'm getting off this space station," Danny let go of the lasso "woah,"

"So you are telling the truth Danny then you are the ghost king."

"Yeah, anything else?"

"I think we're good here, time for you to get out of this room,"

Danny gets up from his chair "finally, I was getting very bored," Danny and Wonder women left the room and met up with the heroes out of the room.

"So, you were telling the truth," said Zatanna.

"Yep, I'm the ghost king bet you guys didn't expect this day to turn out," said Danny.

"Then how did you end up in this world?" said Batman.

"Someone summon me thinking it would be cool to have a ghost king as a friend,"

"That's weird?" said Cyborg.

"So Zatanna, since you know all about magic, can you help me get back to the ghost zone because I need to see if everything okay,"

Zatanna put her right hand on her chin and think for a moment, then snap her finger when an idea comes up "I think I know a spell that returns you home,"


"Of course, I am the great Zatanna Zatara,"

"Does that mean you won't come back, Danny?" said Superman.

"I'll be back. I like being a hero, Superman,"

"That's good to hear, Danny,"

"Alright, let's take you home, Danny," said Zatanna.

Zatanna takes Danny to Shadowcrest, and Danny is amazed at the sight of the mansion. They go inside and go to the library of the mansion.

"Man, Ghostwriter would love this room," Danny thought.

Zatanna grabs an indigo book with a purple ghost in the book's right corner from a shelf and opens it up. Zatanna goes through pages until she reaches the middle of the book.

"Are you ready, Danny?" said Zatanna.

"Yeah, I'm ready," said Danny.

"Un portal vers la zone fantôme,"

Then a ghost portal appears in the library. Danny was about to go, but Zatanna stops and hands him the book.

" Why are you giving me your book?" said Danny.

"Hey, you say you're coming back to our world. I thought it would be easier to give you the book that way. You can go between worlds," said Zatanna.

"Better than going into random ghost portals," Danny thought, then said, "thanks, Zatanna,"

"No problem Danny,"

Danny tucks the book under his arm, and he flies into the ghost portal, and he goes back into the ghost world, and the portal closes behind him. But he sees a similar face in front of him.

"Danny," said?

(Author note: the reason I delete and re-upload part 15 to make people confused about the change of character. One last thing, who is the mystery character?)

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