Chapter 55: Brothers

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The battlefield was quiet other than the sound of the wind whipping amongst the battlefield, every eye on either Naruto or Madara, who stood several meters away from one another, waiting on the other to make the first move. 

With a single step, Naruto and Madara flew at each other. Naruto used his new sword, which he had dubbed in his mind the Sage Sword, to lash out. Madara used his staff, attempting to block the overhead strike, but to his surprise, Naruto's sword sliced straight through his staff. 

Naruto smirked as he continued the momentum from his strike to land a kick to the temple using his heel before pushing forward, the tomoes in his right Rinnegan glowing slightly as three invisible forces hit Madara, sending him flying back even further. 

"Every Rinnegan is different," Naruto spoke as he dodged one of Madara's Limbo Clones. He formed a chakra rod and created three more duplicates as he began floating in the air, lightning sprouting from his fingers tips before he snapped his other hand, the chakra rods flying and piercing the Limbo Clone and immobilizing it. "Yours allows you to create invisible clones. Interesting, I wonder what mine does."

"I hope you aren't getting cocky, Naruto Namikaze," Madara said as he sent three truthseeking orbs towards the white-haired man. "Landing a few hits and getting confident is what almost killed your friends." 

"My confidence is none of your concern, or rather," Naruto flashed in front of Madara, his Rinnegan eyes widening in shock at the sudden speed he could barely keep up with. "It should be your main one." 

Naruto used Kamui, phasing right through Madara and turning around, his sword impaling one of the Madara's truthseeking orbs. "Oh?" Madara smirked.

"It seems the quality of my truthseeking orb is equal to your sword," Naruto shrugged.

"But is it stronger than my own?" Madara's eyes widened before his senses screamed for him to get away. He dashed to the left and not a moment too soon. Naruto had manipulated a truthseeking orb into a spike in the hopes of piercing Madara's head. 

"Tricky," Madara commented as he began rising in the air, his Rinnegan glowing. "But it seems that you are destined to lose this fight." Naruto rose an eyebrow before his eyes suddenly widened. Madara had flown up to the tree, which was currently blooming. 

"Oh no you don't!" He shouted before he was engulfed by his Susanoo, the dark grey color radiating slightly. Naruto rose his hand, a giant Rasengan being formed in his large chakra hands, wind spiraling all around him. It formed blades around the giant Rasengan, turning it into a white color. "Rasenshuriken!" 

He threw the giant Rasenshuriken towards the base of the tree, it going with such incredible speeds that it instantly shred through the bark of the giant tree. "No!" Madara cried out. He touched the falling tree gently before a twisted grin spread across his face. "It is still possible." 

He began absorbing the tree, it twisting into a vortex and entering his body, a loud earsplitting noise that sounded like a siren screaming echoed along the battlefield, causing the access shinobi to wrap their hands around their ears. 

"This isn't good," Naruto whispered. He snapped his fingers and the chakra rods within Tobirama's, Hiruzen's, Hashirama's, Itachi's, and Shisui's bodies up in the air. He lifted his arm up and the several chakra rods were suddenly sucked into his arm. 

"Evacuate everyone from the battlefield!" He ordered, shouting at everyone. "You need to clear this place! It's about to get a bit messy," Tobirama frowned.

"And we should take orders from you. . . why?" Naruto frowned. 

"Tobirama," Hashirama shouted. "Now is not the time to question! He is fighting Madara and warned us of possible danger for those not on this level," He looked up to Madara, who was finishing up absorbing the tree. 

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