Chapter 26: Fortune

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Naruto, Anko, and Kurenai walked down the path towards Rice Country, Naruto humming a small tune, Kurenai chatting about anything with Anko who was munching on a stick of dango. 

"Naruto, for the love of God stop that humming! One Direction is gross!" Naruto looked back at them. 

"I'm sorry, do you have a teenage girl who listens to them in her room all day on her day off? Hm? Do you?" 

"Oh yeah, I forgot you adopted that Haruno girl, how is she by the way?" Kurenai questioned. Naruto shrugged.

"She's fine I suppose. She's starting to smile a lot more now, which is a nice change." Anko grinned a tad bit too sadistically for Naruto's liking. 

"Oh yeah, the word around the village is that you killed her folks without even touching them, is it true?" Naruto was quiet, giving Anko and Kurenai his answer. "Holy shit! How the hell did you kill them without touching them? Did you use a Jutsu or what?" 

"I'd rather not talk about it, Anko," Naruto spoke gently. "I don't like talking about killing two civilians who couldn't even hold a sword correctly, it wasn't right to do what I did," Naruto spoke. 

He was lying. 

He relished in the thought of killing those two. It made him happy he did it. He loved the sound of Mrs. Haruno's scream of grief and agony at the sight of her dead husband, and the crunch of Mr. Haruno's neck sent shivers down Naruto's spine. 

He absolutely loved killing those two as brutally as he did, and he didn't know why. It terrified him to his very core. They deserved to die, that was for sure, but they didn't deserve to be killed by him, that wasn't the right way. 

It wasn't his place. 

"Naruto, look over there!" Anko whispered, lightly tapping him on the shoulder and pointing up the trail. He shook his head, breaking his train of thought. He looked up and saw three figures slowly walking towards them. 

As they got closer, Naruto quickly took note of each of their characteristics. They were each male. 

The one on the furthest left was wearing a large grey and green tattered cloak with light grey hair that ran all the way down his back. He wore an eyepatch that covered his left eye, his right eye was a bright blue color, and was hunched over at a crooked angle.

The one on the furthest right was the tallest of the trio. He had dull brown eyes and a stoic expression on his face that gave no clues as to what he was thinking. He was completely bald and wore a simple sleeveless red shirt, a pair of camo pants, and black boots. 

The one in the middle had pitch-black hair with bright red eyes, a creepy scar over his left eye. He was medium height, taller than the one on the left, but a little bit shorter than the one on the right. He wore a long-sleeved green shirt with a black scarf wrapped around his neck with brown cargo pants and no shoes. 

Each of them had shinobi headbands wrapped around their left shoulder, a music note carved into it. 

"You three," The one in the middle began, his voice slightly hoarse as if he hadn't had any water in days. "Are you turn back now. You are not intruding on the Village Hidden in the Sound, this is our land and you are not to intrude." He said plainly. 

"Village Hidden in the Sound? That's not a village I've ever heard of," Kurenai spoke as she rose her eyebrow. "Who is your Daimyo?" 

"We have no Daimyo," The Sound ninja said on the right, his voice was deep. "We have but one person we answer to, not some filthy politician who belly-aches and complains all day." 

The one on the left peered at the three Leaf shinobi with his own eye before focusing on Anko. "Her chakra is tainted with Otokage-sama's! How can this be possible?" 

"Perhaps she is the one he spoke of. Otokage-sama did say something about an old friend of his was heading this way." The bald one spoke. 

"Who is this Otokage you are referring to?" Naruto questioned, taking a step forward. "And if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" 

"My name is Toriyama," The one on the left spoke. 

"I am Kishimoto." The bald one on the right said. 

"And I am Sui Ishida." The one in the middle spoke. 

"Nice to meet you, I am Naruto Namikaze, this right here," He gestured to Anko. "Is Anko Mitarashi, and the other one is Kurenai Yuhi, nice to meet you. We're just investigating all of the recent kidnappings and we were told to come over here, would you happen to know anything about that?"

"Of course, we are the ones who are kidnapping," Ishida spoke easily. "We are evolving the human race." Naruto hmphed before biting his finger slightly and wiping it across his wrist, a single blade coming out. 

"Then I guess we have to go rescue them from your village then, right?" 

"Anko Mitarashi you said, hm? Otokage-sama has requested your appearance it seems, though I have no idea what he wants from you." 

"Anko is not going anywhere." Naruto practically growled, his Sharingan appearing in his eyes. "Hand over the ones you have kidnapped and maybe we'll let you live." Ishida looked at Naruto with wide eyes before laughing. 

"Hahaha, you amuse me Namikaze-san! You really think," His left eye began twitching uncontrollably. "That any of them are still alive? Are you a fool? Otokage-sama is a genius, but not even he can prevent his guinea pigs from dying after he breaks them down!" 

"You guys are monsters," Kurenai said as she got out a kunai. "I won't ever forgive you!" 

"Good thing we weren't asking for it or else there might actually be trouble." Toriyama replied without missing a beat. "It's time for you to turn around, except for the Otokage's guest, she may stay and catch up with her former master." Anko's eyes widened as Naruto's frown deepened. 

"Orochimaru? That bastard, I won't ever join him!" Suddenly, Ishida was behind her, not even Naruto could see him run behind her. 

"It is not a request." He grabbed her suddenly and then vanished from sight. Naruto's eyes widened as the world began moving slowly around him. He turned to capture Toriyama and Kishimoto, but they just grinned at him like psychos. 

"You won't even find the Hidden Sound, it's impossible unless given permission by Orochimaru-sama!" He shouted before Kishimoto and Toriyama vanished in thin air like Ishida and Anko had just moments before. 

"No." He whispered as his Sharingan slowly deactivating, revealing again his bright blue eyes as he fell to his knees. "No. Not again." 

"Don't wallow in your own self-pity," Kurenai yelled. "Let's just go get her!" She cried out. "I won't ever forgive myself if we can't rescue her!" Naruto felt that familiar rage spark in his heart. 

The fear of losing her, the anger that he couldn't prevent it, and the hatred for those who took her. How dare they take his precious friend? He wouldn't allow it. 

"I won't allow it." Naruto muttered, fisting a pile of dirt. "They won't harm a single hair on Anko's head! I'll find her and bring her back home! I won't abandon her!" He cried out as he stood up. He looked over to Kurenai and flashed her a bright, ear-splitting grin. "Let's go get Anko back!" 

And done. Super short after such a super long break but I need to stop here because I don't feel like killing myself trying to write a whole rescue in this chapter. 

Anyways, yeah. Sorry for all this. Long ass wait. I feel like a shitty author but to be honest I'm at that point In my life where only a hand full of things can make me happy and the things that used to make me happy aren't working anymore. 

So. . . yeah.

Til next time my lil demons! 

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