Chapter 57: God

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"And I will make myself the First Kamikage!" Naruto declared as he gestured to himself with a serious expression on his face. Tobirama dashed forward, using the Flying Thunder God as he threw his kunai and landed next to Naruto, the white-haired Sage merely moving his head to the side as Tobirama swiped the blade inches away from his ear. 

"Calm yourself," Naruto said as Tobirama suddenly stopped moving. "There is no need to get angry. Just because you lacked the same dream as your older brother does not mean you can attack someone who will come to realize it." He pushed Tobirama away as the man skidded in the dirt.

"You want to rule this world," Tobirama growled. "I cannot allow you to do such a thing! A being such as yourself can do no good, especially after what you've done." Naruto chuckled.

"An old man past his time lecturing me? How about we talk about your faults then, okay Tobirama?" Naruto had a visible frown. "You isolated the Uchiha from the village, making them part of the Police Force in order to give them a false sense of importance. You then put them at the outskirts of the village, letting the villagers and other clans scorn them and fear them. Your student, Danzo Shimura, who I had the pleasure of killing, not only killed my sensei but also forced my best friend to kill the entirety of the Uchiha Clan because they wanted to form a coup because of the treatment you helped. 

"You are by far the worst Hokage out of the five to ever exist, and I'm glad you were long dead before I was born because if you were alive still and I knew what I know now, I would have killed you in such an agonizing way Danzo's mindless slaves would feel fear." 

Hashirama looked at his younger brother with a look of shock and horror spread across his face. "Tobirama," He spat angrily. "Is this true?" Tobirama didn't even glance at his brother. 

"It is," Naruto responded. "But that doesn't matter. What has happened has happened and there's no changing the past no matter how horrible it may be," Naruto said as he glanced at Shisui and Itachi. "But I know what I have to do. I know my place in this world and the Sage of Six Paths, the creator of Ninshu, has entrusted this mission with me." He looked over and met Hiruzen's eyes. "And I will not let him down." 

"But a dictatorship isn't the way to do things, Naruto!" Itachi shouted. "True peace can only come from love and understanding, not you forcing things to be the way you want them to be! That's not true peace!" 

"I don't care," Naruto whispered. Itachi took a step back as if his best friend had just slapped him. "I swore to bring peace to this world. If there is unity then there can be no discrimination, if the lives of children can be saved, then I do not care. I will protect this world and all its people, and nobody can stop me now." 

"Naruto-sensei. . ." Sasuke whispered as his hands balled into fists. "Please stop this! Just come back to the Hidden Leaf!" Naruto gazed over at Sasuke, meeting the teen's coal-black eyes and he smiled sadly. 

"I'm doing this for you," He said, taking Sasuke aback. He was doing this, for him? "I'm doing this for all of you," Naruto shouted. "To stop the wars! To stop the conflict! So people like Gaara and I won't have to suffer by being human sacrifices! So people like Sasuke won't ever have to lose their family in such a way again! To prevent good people like Shisui and Itachi from sacrificing their lives so needlessly! What I do will be for the good of humanity, and I know that these things will work! I just need you to give me a chance, let me become the protector, the guardian, of this world. Let me change things, let me protect you all!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. 

"I'm tired of watching this world suffer! I'm tired of watching those I care about die! I want to save this world from the monstrosities that the shinobi world will only further create! This is our chance for peace and prosperity, and I'm willing to dedicate my life to such a thing," He spoke passionately. "So I'm asking you all to just let me handle the burdens! Let me shoulder the weight of this world so our children and our children's children won't have to! I'm willing to do whatever it takes to end this cycle of hatred," He turned to Sasuke and held out his hand. "So please, trust me to do what is right. I won't go astray again, I promise." 

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