Chapter 12: Promotion

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Itachi watched as the video finished playing, unable to contain the horror and disgust he felt at that very moment, the urge to vomit plagued his being as he swallowed the thick saliva in his mouth, almost wanting to watch what he just saw again just to make sure he saw right. 

But he had. 

"I hope you freeze in Hell," Naruto said before thrusting the sword into Kazuma's eye, killing the teen.

No. This was not Naruto. That couldn't have happened! Naruto was someone who cherished life and wanted to protect it with his very being and bring peace, not this monster who killed without a second thought! 

"Father," Itachi spoke quietly. "Is this a genjutsu? Please tell me that this is a trick, that Naruto did not really do those things." Fugaku remained silent, only sitting on his knees as he looked at Itachi impassively, his eyes not revealing anything. "Please tell me that this is a lie!" It was quiet in the darkroom for a whole minute before Fugaku broke that silence. 

"I will not lie to you." Fugaku finally responded, making Itachi break the screen as he punched right through it, tears running down his cheeks. 

"Do I know nothing of my best friend? I thought he would be the last person to do this! I preached about what he would do in these types of situations and it was a lie? Do I really not know him like I thought I did?" 

"He protected you, he did what he did for you and Izumi both," Fugaku said. "I am grateful. He saved your life, your mother is also thankful, now Sasuke has a bigger brother again. Itachi," Fugaku paused for a second before continuing. "We thought you were going to die." 

"I know but-" 

"Itachi Uchiha," Fugaku began, steel in his voice as his eyes hardened. "Naruto Namikaze is a hero who defended both of his teammates. It was either your life and Izumi's, or those three Iwa Genin, and he chose correctly. What is so hard to comprehend?" 

". . ." Itachi said nothing, instead opting to walk out of the room, leaving Fugaku in the room alone with a broken TV. 

"No," Izumi denied, shaking her head as tears ran down her face. "This isn't real, this isn't Naruto. That isn't Naruto!" 

But it was. She knew it was. 

That was Naruto Namikaze who used his chakra chains to rip that guy in half. 

It was too real to be fake. 

That was Naruto Namikaze. The real Naruto Namikaze. 

Naruto walked down the road, his usual grin on his face as he walked towards the Hokage Office, not noticing the looks of fear that the villagers gave him, too happy to notice it. 

He had been summoned! He finally made it to Chunin! He was going to get promoted, and for that he was ecstatic. He paused for a second, putting his finger on his chin, adopting a thoughtful look. 

"I wonder if Itachi and Izumi are getting promoted too?" He shook his head, his grin growing bigger. "What am I saying? Of course, they did!" 

He ran into the Hokage Office and was greeted by the kind smile of Hiruzen, the grinning face of Shisui, a sad look from Kakashi, and a slightly scared expression from Izumi and a disturbed and betrayed look from Itachi. 

"What's up, guys? We being promoted as a team?" 

"I-I don't know," Izumi muttered. "Maybe?" 

"Let me get straight to the point," Hiruzen began, reading the reports on his papers. "Itachi Uchiha, I hereby proclaim you as Chunin of the Hidden Leaf, do you accept this promotion along with your new responsibilities?" 

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