Chapter 25: Blend

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"Am I not enough for you?!" A voice cried as Naruto turned in bed, sweat dripping off of his entire figure. 

"Please don't leave me!" A woman's voice whispered. 

"Stop this! This isn't you!" A man's voice this time rang out. 

"Oh, it's not me? Then who am I?" Came a sick and sarcastic reply. 

"How can I protect you if I can't even protect them?!" A shout. 

"You are not a god!" 

"I will avenge my friend's death, even if it takes my life!" 

"I'll be the one doing that if you don't mind!" 


Naruto woke up, a thin layer of sweat coming off of his body as he panted heavily. What was that dream? 

No, dreams had images, those were voices, things he could hear, why? What was the point? Nothing they said made sense! Naruto looked over at the alarm clock and groaned, realizing that it was barely five a.m., and his alarm was set to off in about twenty minutes. 

He got up, making sure to turn off the alarm before it went off. He got dressed and walked out. He saw a bright blue light glowing from the living room and rose an eyebrow. Had he left the t.v. on? 

He walked into the living room and almost jumped in surprise as he saw Sakura whispering softly into a headset as she was playing his game, and she was quite good at it. 

He watched her play for another minute before walking into the kitchen and setting the kettle on the stove to boil the water it contained. Apparently, he had made a lot of noise because when he walked back into the living room Sakura was pretending to be asleep, the controller still in her hand.

"You know I'm a Jounin, right?" He said in an amused voice. "I can hear your heart beating quicker than your average sleeping heartbeat?" Sakura's emerald green eyes widened as she looked up at him with shock. 

"Really? That's so cool!" 

"Nope, I saw you playing like two minutes ago, I'm not an Inuzuka, I don't have special hearing." Sakura giggled for a second before looking back at her game. 

"Good, now I gotta get back to my game, my teammates need me." Naruto rolled his eyes. 

"Okay okay, but make sure you tell Sai and Sasuke about today and tomorrow, I'm on a mission with the other senseis so I'ma be gone for a little bit." Sakura nodded, indicating that she had indeed heard him. Naruto gave her two pats on the head before going back into the kitchen to finish making his tea. 

He poured the steaming mixture into a mug before sighing. It smelled delicious, but he knew that if he sipped it now, he would burn his tongue. 

Maybe just a sip. . .

Nope, don't do it! Not worth it! He thought to himself, shaking his head with a small smile. He opened the door and walked out, the fresh autumn air filling his nose as a content smile crossed his face. Closing the door behind himself, he walked down the steps and into the empty streets of Konoha. 

Well, almost empty. 

"Well if it isn't my favorite closet-psycho!" Anko pretty much yelled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her chin resting on his shoulder as she grinned. 

"What does that mean?" Naruto asked as he flicked her forehead with his free hand, somehow still balancing his tea well enough as to where it didn't spill. 

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