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Fifteen Years Later

The world knew peace. The world was at peace. War, while a memory, still played in people's minds. There were no more wars. No more major conflicts. The Kamikage had seen to that and had used his power to unify the continent into one standing nation. 

The Daimyo had attempted to stop him, but one glance into his eyes they followed his orders. His mystical eyes that once brought fear and terror to ones heart now spoke of love and compassion. He protected the world and it's people the best he could, and they thanked him for it. 

He was their ruler, their Emperor, but he preferred to be called a Kage, the one and only Kage, the Kamikage. Naruto Namikaze was a fair ruler who provided for his people, his fellow human. He was kind. Despite his past, he was loved by those he ruled and those who surrounded him. He had been forgiven for his sins, most of it was because of his older brother's actions on reviving those he had helped kill during the 4th Great Ninja War. 

Some were sad that the Hidden Stone nor the Hidden Mist, as well as a majority of the Hidden Cloud could not enjoy this peace. But things were never perfect, but the strive for perfection would always make humans better themselves as well as make shinobi work harder than the average person. 

Shinobi still existed, but their ways changed. They acted as guardians instead of deceivers. Peacekeepers instead of murderers. They protected all of the villages that the Kamikage ruled. They were admired by the children and thanked by the adults. To be a shinobi was now something to strive for and to admire rather than to scorn and to hate. 

They fought bandits and protected villages from wildlife. They helped the weak and assisted in making the strong. Some would say it was amazing, the progress the world had taken in just a decade and a half. Many thanked Naruto Namikaze and his Council of Advisors, who assisted the Kamikage in all of his duties in maintaining the peace. 

Many shinobi retired after Naruto had taken control, wanting to live their peaceful lives and just watch the newer generations mold into protectors, proud of what they had become. They had fought to live normal lives and Naruto Namikaze had granted them that life. They would be forever grateful to the successor of the Sage of Six Paths. 

Some shinobi, mainly young ones wanting to prove themselves, participated in tournaments. The prize was mainly fame, glory, and of course, money. To win a tournament was a testament of your hard work and will-power. Many who wanted to be acknowledged by the Kamikage participated, who would always watch from the balcony with a content smile on his face. 

If one were to go to far and attempt to kill the competition, he would swoop in and save the day in a flash. Usually that person was jailed and sent to see a therapist. No one was to die unless it was necessary. 

The Kamikage had not killed many people since he had become ruler of the lands. He had killed a few bandits here and there in the beginning to spread his name around. He had also killed a handful of those who wished to see him dead, trying to assassinate the Kamikage. He would only kill them if he thought they were irredeemable. 

Nowadays, an assassination attempt was rare. 

But the Kamikage survived. He would always survive. Nobody would reach his level of power even with all the training in the world. The closest people so far were Sasuke Uchiha and Ashura Otsutsuki, the latter not having been seen in public since the 4th Great Ninja War, but neither could still hold a candle to Naruto Namikaze's immense power. 

And today was the day his people would be reminded of that fact. 

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