Chapter 16: Cult

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Naruto navigated the building, the structure being a lot bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. The chakra was coming from deep within the building, right under the trio's feet as they tried sorting through the sneakily placed traps and fake rooms that led to nowhere.

It was like a maze that couldn't be properly navigated. 

'Jeez, I'm glad Hokage-sama actually gave us the kid,' Anko thought to herself as she admired the ruins. 'He can actually sense where the chakra is coming from AND he is leading us directly to it. And he. . .' She trailed off as a small red tint formed on her cheeks as she shook her head. 


Anko sat up quickly in a bed that she did not recognize and immediately regretted it, her hand now on her forehead as it felt as if someone were locked in her skull and was beating on it repeatedly to get out. 

"What the fuck and where the fuck am I?"

"You," Naruto voiced himself, making Anko turn to her left to see him sitting in the corner reading a book. "Drank yourself away last night and some guys were gonna have there way with you if I didn't step in. I don't know where your hotel room is so I brought you into mine."

"If so much as sneaked a peak I'll-" Anko began, glaring at the blonde but he snapped the book shut, causing her to trail off. 

"I did not look, Anko-san, I have more respect for you and women alike to do that. My sensei and older brother might be a pervert, but not me." The color drained from his face. "Wait am I doomed anyway?" 

The picture of him accidentally brushing against Anko's breast when he was setting her down in bed flashed in his mind as his face was set ablaze. 

"Nope, nope, to the nope nope." He got out before standing up. "NotapervertIswearbutithappenedonaccidentpleasedon'tkillmeI'mtooyoung!" He said in less than a second, his eyes squeezed shut, awaiting his doom. 

"Calm down, it's fine." Anko groaned. "You saved me or whatever, I appreciate it." Her stomach suddenly didn't feel like agreeing with her as she stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom, the sound of her throwing up whatever was left in her stomach could be heard as Naruto looked at the ground that his feet were currently occupying, trying to pretend he didn't hear each violent spill of throw up hit the toilet water.

At least he had the seat lifted up. 

The toilet flushed and Anko came strolling out as if she hadn't just thrown up all her internal organs into the toilet and flushed them away. 

"Ah yes, that's much better." Naruto dug through his pocket before tossing something to her. Catching it, Anko rose an eyebrow. "What's this?" 

"A soldier pill. It should lessen your headache as well as kickstart anything that isn't working properly back to its former self?" He said the last two words in a confused tone, tilting his head to the left slightly. "Whatever, c'mon we gotta go fetch the other one so we can begin." 

"The other one," Anko quoted, a grin on her face. 

Flashback End 

He had saved her from being raped. How many kids could claim they helped someone out of that type of situation? 

Then again, what kid could say they got promoted to Jounin after their first Chunin Exam? Naruto Namikaze could, but nobody else that she knew of. 

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