Chapter 3: Prospect

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"Naruto," Izumi began as she watched the blonde with a strange look. "Why are you holding the cat like that?" Naruto looked up, a grin on his face as he held the cat by its four paws, aiming it at Izumi like a crossbow. 

"Doesn't he look funny though? I think he looks funny," An irritated growl from the cat erupted from its fuzzy mouth. 

"Naruto, that's the Daimyo's wife's cat. It's quite valuable." Naruto nodded. 

"Sure is, but I don't understand why it's a D-Rank mission if it's so valuable," He held the cat up at Shisui, shaking the cat back and forth, an amused smile on his face. "It's funny." 

"Naruto," Shisui chided lightly as he grabbed the cat and stroked its fur gently, a purring sound emitting from the feline as Naruto watched with wide eyes. "You have to treat animals with respect, not like a mission." 

"Ah, I get it now," Naruto said as he began walking. "Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow." And with that, the blonde boy ran off. 

"Oh," Izumi whispered. "Are we leaving, sensei?" Shisui seemed taken aback by Naruto's sudden absence. 

"I guess I can return the cat," He said with a sigh. "Do you guys even know where he goes?" The two Uchiha shook their heads. 

"He just disappears, I've heard he buys food at the local market, but that's it," Itachi spoke as he looked at the path that Naruto had taken. "Should I track him?" Shisui pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"No, that would be counterproductive as to what we are trying to do." 

"And what are we trying to do, sensei?" Izumi countered, raising her eyebrow at the older Uchiha. He shrugged.

"Get him to trust us? Maybe even interact with us outside of training and missions? I'm not entirely sure myself." He trailed off before shaking his head. "You guys can go do whatever you want now, I'll meet up with you both tomorrow," The two Uchiha nodded before Shisui disappeared in a burst of chakra. 

Having dropped off the cat, Shisui Uchiha himself decided to track down his student, deeming it important, as a sensei, to know what his student/subordinate did after their missions. 

He searched the alleys, the streets, the training grounds, even the Namikaze's house, but nothing, just emptiness. Shisui was about to give up before he forgot one thing. 

The Hokage Monuments! 

He slowly walked onto the mountain, easily trudging up the large man-made structure as he heard two faint voices speaking quietly. 

". . .sensei? He's pretty good, right?" 

"Yeah, he's great. Not as good as you though," Shisui slowly approached the voices, and to his surprise, he saw Naruto sitting next to Kakashi Hatake on top of the Fourth Hokage's stone head, the two eating a bowl of ramen as they chatted casually. Silently, he observed them. 

"Well, I appreciate that. But Shisui is one of the stronger Jounins that Konoha has to offer at the moment, you should feel lucky you have one of the better ones." Naruto nodded. 

"I am grateful, he's taught Itachi, Izumi, and I a lot. I'm growing stronger, I can feel it." Naruto squeezed his fist as he watched the sun setting on the horizon, the sky turning a dark purple as the village below him glowed like Christmas lights. 

"That's good, plus with the extra training you've been getting from me, you'll be the strongest Genin in Konoha by the time you're eight-and-three-quarters." 

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