Chapter 11: Shatter

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"Hello everyone and welcome to the Third Exam of the Chunin Exams!" The Raikage roared, getting shouts and yells of approval from the stadium, not a single seat not being taken, some people were even standing. "Today we will be doing Squads of Three going to go against each other!" Another roar from the crowd made the Raikage smirk as he let it die down a little.

"I'm impressed," Hiruzen stated, sitting in a chair that was right to the Raikage. "You seem to be quite adept to rouse a crowd of this size so easily." Ay turned to Hiruzen, a cocky smirk on his face.

"It's to be expected, they respect me and the village of Kumo." He said.

"Hmph, the fact that I only have two teams that actually made it disappoints me," Onoki, the Tsuchikage of Iwa, said bitterly. "I sent ten teams here." 

"Well, I sent only three and only one made it into the finals," Hiruzen stated, sucking on his pipe as smoke slowly exited his nose. "You shouldn't fret Onoki, having two teams out of ten is quite adequate in my opinion." 

"I'm just ecstatic that my team got through!" The leader of Taki, Shibuki stated as a bead of sweat trailed down his cheek awkwardly. 

"Hmph," Onoki got out, not giving the man a decent response, feeling that he doesn't deserve it.

"I think it's quite funny that Kiri couldn't send anyone," Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage of Suna said as he chuckled. "And to think that the Mizukage said he'd dominate these exams at the last one." 

"He's a cocky brat and it's only because of his tenant," The Raikage got out. He then turned to the crowd again, them having died out a tad bit. 

"And now for the exams to begin! Enjoy and place bets and buy from the concessions!" He hated formalities to the people, but if he wanted to generate more revenue, then he would bight the kunai and do so. 

"As Raikage-sama said," A random Jounin stated as he appeared in the middle of the ring. "Can Team 18 from Suna make their way to the middle as well as Team Shisui from Konoha!" Naruto grinned brightly.

"We get to go first? Nice!" 

"Unexpected, but a welcome surprise to be sure," Itachi said as Izumi smirked.

"We got this," 

The Sand team derived from three teenagers, probably around fifteen or sixteen years of age. All of them had blonde hair, probably from being in the sun constantly. They wore the traditional Suna Uniform, and they were all male. 

"Let's do this, guys," One of them said, palming his fist. "They gave us a bunch of kids, it should be easy!" 

"Please don't underestimate us, it wouldn't be beneficial to you at all!" Naruto spoke kindly as he unsheathed his sword, waiting for the Kumo Jounin's instructions. 

"How old are you? Five? Just shut up and let's get this over with," One of them scoffed. "Proctor, please begin the match." 

"Okay," The Kumo Jounin began, eyeing the Sand Team warily, knowing who exactly Naruto was, him being the same boy who had stronger chakra than Killer Bee, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, the proctor for the First Exam. "Begin!" 

"Your team is quite confident," Hiruzen commented as he watched the Suna Team talk to Konoha's. 

"It's to be expected, they are our strongest team. If they cannot win against some children, then they don't deserve to be Chunin." Rasa said as he felt a tug on his cloak, revealing his eight-year-old daughter, Temari.

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