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"Hey, what's up?"

The conversation between the girls came to a halt when a clear and charismatic voice was heard from the entrance of the kitchen.

Caught red-handed, the girls randomly shifted their gazes to the different parts of the room, excluding Y/N's direction. They don't know how to answer Y/N's question.

Should they tell her that they're forcing their leader to spill all the details regarding the scene that the lovers had in their room?

The answer will be naturally, a BIG FAT NO.



Frowning at the girls' weird behavior, Y/N then shifted her gaze towards a blushing bunny and arched her brow, her gaze questioning. Meeting her gaze, Irene's cheeks flushed more as she's caught in a dire situation, thinking about what to answer to her woman's question.

Biting her lower lip in contemplation, Irene was about to answer Y/N when a shout from the basement was heard, calling for their presence.

Letting out a sigh in relief, Irene and the rest followed Y/N as they made their way to the basement.

Arriving at the place, the former dusty basement that was renovated into a complete workroom by the team greeted their view.

The room is well-lit and it's filled to brim with huge screens, holograms, computers, and its accessories. Every computer was running and their screens showed numbers and codes that the girls can only see on kdramas or movies.

The team, minus the injured ones sat around the long conference table with multiple documents scattered above it as they do the work that was assigned to them.

Noticing the approaching crowd, Ryu straightened his back before speaking seriously, "We found the location of their base."

A glint flashed by Y/N's eyes. However, it soon disappeared as Y/N composed herself before talking with an ice-cold tone. "Give me all the details."

Ryu then handed her a folder containing all the data she needs to know.

Knowing that the three will start to get busy, the girls silently went to the sides and amusingly watched the screens of computers present as they showcase different information.

The atmosphere became silent as Y/N flip through the documents that were given to her.

"Italy?" Y/N lifted her gaze and questioned as she put the folder on the table

"Yes. But look specifically on which part of Italy is it?" Ryu told her as he pointed at a particular part on the paper.

Following his hands with her gaze, Y/N grimly read the words written. "...Northern Mercenaries HQ in Sicily."

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Her Personal Bodyguard (Red Velvet Irene×Female Reader ft. RV Members)Where stories live. Discover now