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"Boss, we're landing."

Y/N fluttered her eyes open as she slowly adjusts her sight to the light. Directing her gaze towards the window. Sicily's City lights welcomed her view as she reminisces the memories that they have in the place.

I never would've expected myself to go back here of my own volition...


Lifting her gaze towards the direction of the voice, Y/N raised her eyebrow in question.

"A chauffeur is waiting at the entrance. Looks like they got wind of us coming." Hyun Ki stated as he shifted his laptop sideways for Y/N to see what's on the screen.

The screen showcases the video taken from the CCTV cameras at the entrance of the private airport, Y/N's private airport, and in there, a dozen of Maybachs are present on the two sides of the V-like road at the entrance with a Bugatti La Voiture Noire parked in the middle. 

A chauffeur huh...

As if reading her mind, Ryu spoke, "It has always been like this, haven't you got used to it yet?"

You're not just the Jeon Y/N that everybody knows, you have to remember that... he continued in his thoughts

Feeling two cold gazes on him, Ryu motioned as if he zipped his mouth and threw the key towards his back. 

Silence dominated the whole cabin as Y/N just sighed at Ryu's statement before shifting her gaze back towards the window, her mind deep in thought.

Seeing Y/N's reaction, Hyun Ki glared at Ryu before grabbing him by the collar as he then drags the latter towards the back area.

Closing the door behind him, Hyun Ki slapped Ryu at the top of his head before speaking through gritted teeth, "You just have to say that don't you? Huh?"

Grabbing his aching head, Ryu shot an apologetic look at Hyun Ki, unable to refute what he said. 

Her Personal Bodyguard (Red Velvet Irene×Female Reader ft. RV Members)Where stories live. Discover now