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"Greetings to Young Miss and her guardians!" The maids and butlers that were assigned outside greeted Y/N as soon as she stepped out of the car.

"Man, the formalities here are killing me,  lowkey wants to go back already." Ryu muttered under his breath but was still heard anyways.

The guardians just chuckled at Ryu's words as they continue walking towards the entrance, following Y/N's steps. They know how the Ryu always lives his life in a carefree manner.

As soon as they entered the mansion, a butler immediately welcomed their arrival. 

The butler's hair is pitch black that was styled slicked back. His black butler's uniform is so clean that even a speck of dust will be obvious once it lands on the butler's body. He stands tall, his aura screams formality and is intimidating but it was pushed and beaten aside once he stands face to face with Y/N.

He gave the woman in front of him a brief bow, his back not even bending as he gave a quick scrutinizing gaze on Y/N.

The mere action of the man irked the people behind Y/N but chose to hold everything in.

"Rogue." Y/N muttered in acknowledgment

"Y/N." The man named Rogue stated. Y/N swore she saw the brief dark glint that passed through the man's eyes but chose to ignore it.

"Tch. Getting high and almighty are we? That's Young Miss for you dumbass." 

The people turned their gaze at Ryu that's currently being held by the arm by Hyun Ki. His face shows clearly how pissed he is. It was as if Hyun Ki delayed stopping him any later, a punch would've landed on Rogue's face.

The man just chuckled at Ryu's actions as he met the former's furious gaze.

"Ryu, I see you're still as short-tempered as you are before." Rogue sneered, clearly belittling Ryu.

"And you're cockier than before." Ryu spat back 

Letting out a low chuckle, Rogue opened his arms wide before speaking, "As you can see, I am now the master's right-hand man, my achievements already bypassed yours. I have all the rights to be cocky, little brother."

Ryu felt his eyebrow twitch in annoyance after hearing what the man just called him and how the man clearly put emphasis on the word.

"You'll never be my brother you deserter." Ryu stated, clearly more aggressive than he was before.

His words seemed to affect Rogue as a crack can be seen on his smile, destroying his facade. He then moved a step and appeared in front of Ryu, grabbing him by the collar. "What did you just say you little--"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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