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@Infront of SM Entertainment

Upon entering the entertainment company. They immediately priceeded to the elevator and pressed the number of thr floor where Lee Soo Man is. They will be meeting the members of Red Velvet today and will discuss about future plans.

Exiting the elevator, they made their way to the direction that Victoire yold them before.

Knocking on the door. They were told to enter in which they obliged.

As the five of them entered. Curious gazes from the members of Red Velvet are dixed on their direction. Clearly scrutinizing every inch of them.

"Unnie they're hot."

"Shut up Park Sooyoung they might hear you."

"Her silver? Or white? hair looks awesome in her. Look at her face. She's very pretty."

"Wait, her eyes are in two different colors? Is she wearing contact lenses?"

"She's heterochromic dumbass."

"Ohhh. Okay then. Joohyun-unnie do you think so too?"

"I guess."

"Their proportions are crazy."

"That girl is also hot and tall. Both aspect which you don't have."


"Yah Park Sooyoung I swear, I'm gonna hit you."

"They're damn tall. I can't relate."

"Do they know Red Velvet?"

The 5 girls whispered to each other as they oberved the 5 people dressed in black as the one with Silvery white hair speaks with their CEO. She is clearly the leader out of all 5.  The other 4 remained at the back of the leader while quietly listening to the conversation between Y/N and Lee Soo Man.

[A/N: Outfit  is posted at the top :>]

"Girls, this 5 will be your personal bodyguards starting today. Please do cooperate with each other and get along well. You guys will move to a new and bigger dorm. Wherein the bodyguards will live with you. The 10 of you will share a room, do whatever you want in assigning them, but the men will stay at one room. There are 4 rooms in total. 2 are bigger than the other 2. Therefore, one of the bigger rooms will be assigned to the three of you." Lee Soo Man stated as he points to Ryu, Hyun Ki and Ji Woon.

"While the remaining girls can divide the room depending on whi they want to be roommates with. You guys can talk about that yourselves, understood?"

"Yes." The Red Velvet members stated while the other 5 just nodded.

"You can go now. Be safe everyone."

They immediately left the room after and walked in group.

Y/N, clearly having something to say, turned her heel to talk face to face with the members of RV. However, upon talking, she was immediately cut off by a figure that appeared in the middle of her and Irene.

Her Personal Bodyguard (Red Velvet Irene×Female Reader ft. RV Members)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें