Chapter 10-November 2012

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Alex has his arms out waiting for me. I jump into them without hesitation and he cheers as he spins me around.

"You did it. The winning goal and everything. How does that feel?" He says and messes my hair up. I'm starting to love when People mess up my hair.

"It feels fucking amazing. Sorry. It's amazing. Hey Bryce. Did you have fun, too," I say to his boyfriend. I'm never sure how he feels about me.

"It was impressive. I played lacrosse in school, so I feel your pain having to run back and forth. Lex wouldn't stop screaming when you scored," he says with a smile.

I before I can say anything, I get tackled from the side. "TK my little man!!!!! Come hold the trophy with us. The yearbook lady needs a photo," says Jason.

"Ok. I'll be there. Are you two leaving now?" I ask.

Alex opens his mouth, but Bryce answers, "nope. Your mom asked us to come out to dinner to celebrate. It'll be fun." Alex smiles at his boyfriend and who nods.

"Sweet. I'll see you guys there then," I say with a smile and head back to my team, but most of them are off to the side waiting.

I look at Jason And ask, "just us?"

"You, me, and Teddy. The players that scored the five goals. Then the rest of the team," he says with a smile. He found out last week that Boulder wanted him for a full-ride scholarship. One of the best schools in the state, and he gets to go for free.

We take the photo, and Coach Anderson brings the rest of the team back out and starts lining us up. The school photographer and the local paper are here to report on the team winning the state championship.

Mission Hills High School Boys soccer team, and we're the state champions. The last time this happened for the school was 5 years ago, when the cheerleading team took the title. Jamie will probably do it again this weekend, but for now, we are the only champions.

"State Champs on three. 1 2 3," says the photographer.

"State CHAMPS!" We shout out.

The photo seems to meet their standards, and we all get released.

Dan and Mandy are talking with Bryce and Alex, and I see Eric and Conner kicking a ball back and forth out of boredom. Dan turns to me with a smile, " you were great tonight. Let's eat. Where do you wanna go?"

"Can we go to Chipotle? I know it's not fancy, but I love it," I say with a smile.

He looks at the other three adults, and they all nod. "Ok, boys. Let's get going. Did your friend want to come with us?" He asks and points behind me.

I turn and see Ryan on the bleachers texting someone.

"Oh. Uh, let me ask. I'll meet you at the car," I say. He nods and takes my bag, and I see Alex and Bryce giving me a weird look.

"Hey Ryan," I yell, and he looks up and smiles, " I didn't know you'd be here tonight."

"Hell yeah. When Sarah and Jamie said they couldn't come, I knew you needed a friend in case it went the other way," he says with a smile.

A smile that I genuinely love to see.

"Umm, Dad...I mean, Dan wanted to see if you would come to Chipotle with us," I ask. "It's cool if you can't. It's late."

"Nah. I can come. The one by the mall?" He asks.

"I think so. They're in the car. We should go make sure," I say.

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