Chapter 18-End of April 2013

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It's been eight days since TK stopped talking to me.

Five days since I stopped texting.

I'm in the middle of Huckleberry Finn when my phone rings. Despite knowing it won't be him, I still jump to look.

It's Trevor FaceTiming me. I should answer it.

"Hey, Trev. What's up," I say.

"Not much. I have a weird question for you," he says.

"Ok....." I reply.

"What happened between you and TK?" He asks after a moment.

"Nothing," I say too quickly.

"Come on, Ryan. He isn't talking to us. You're not talking to us. It both started on the same day. What happened," he presses. Trevor sometimes seems like a dumb jock, but not right now.

"I...I ...I messed up. But I'm working on it. Don't tell Jamie," I say, knowing Jamie would tell Sarah.

He's silent for a heartbeat, "fine. I won't tell her, but if she asks me if you know, I won't lie to her."  

"I know," I reply.

That moment there is a knock on my door, and it's Josh. He mouths, "hang up."

"Trev, I have to go. I'll text you," I say and hang up before he can say anything.

I look at my brother and wait. He has a battle raging on his face right now.

"What?" I ask in a tense tone.

He opens his mouth. He closes it and walks away.

I hear him open Katie's door without knocking.

"Ryan and I are going for a walk. Don't burn the house down," he says and closes it.

"Get your coat," is all he says to me.

"I don't want to..." I start to protest.

"Don't care. Get your coat," he says. He used dad's; this conversation is over voice.

We're three houses from home when he asks. "What'd you do to TK. Don't tell me it's nothing. You've been sad for days. Did you two break up?"

"Haha, another joke. Real funny," I say out loud without thinking.

"Not a joke. I know you two are together. It's clear as day if you pay attention. What happened," he says, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like he loves me.

In the months since our sibling Valentine's date, the three of us have hung out more often. Still nothing like TK or Jamie and their siblings, but a lot for us.

I breathe out, and I can feel the tears coming. "I hurt him. It was bad, Josh."

He waves his hand for me to continue, and I dive right in.

We were at the mall just looking at stuff and hanging out together. Those are the best days. TK's himself, and I get to be free. We were in the food court flirting in public which was dangerous for me, and some guys from the lacrosse were there. They saw TK put his hand on my arm and rub it, and I knew they saw it. It was harmless for us, but not in public. We were too relaxed.

I panicked. I pushed him away from me. Then I called him a faggot. 

I look at Josh now, and he isn't mad, but he is disappointed. Like I was months ago.

"You panicked?" He asks

"Yes. You know what Dad's like about this stuff. I can't be out and live at home," I say, panicking again.

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