Chapter 19-May 2013

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"Do you think this is a good idea?" Asks Ryan as we cuddle in my bed.

I just nod and keep my face on his chest, and he pulls me in tighter.

"It's ok. My Mom's upstairs, and the door's open. So we aren't breaking any rules. Plus, we can hear her coming and act normal," I say with a sly smile.

"Mmm, I love days like this," says Ryan. He pulls me up into a quick kiss.

"I love you. How was your test today, anyway?" I ask.

He moans and groans. "I don't wanna talk about it."

Every May, the sophomores in our school district come in on one Saturday to take the PSAT. Basically, practice runs for the real SATs and ACTs next year as juniors.

"It's not like you can fail. Jamie said she thought it went well," I say.

"Jamie can suck it. Test's are dumb," he snaps. We've hit on a touchy subject.

"Sorry, baby. I'm sure you did great. Just cuddle me, and life will be better," I say and rub his chest, and he moans out a happy response.

"They're all coming over tonight, right?" He asks.

"Yup. Around 6 and it'ssssssssssssssss less talking more cuddles. Dad'll be home in a bit," I say, and we close our eyes and cuddle.

I can hear Ryan snoring quietly, and I know I fell asleep too. I can't figure out what woke me until I hear the knock on my door. It's louder this time.

I'm now wide awake, and so is Ryan. I flip over to see Dad standing there looking at us both.

His face is unreadable.

"Why don't you two take a couple of minutes to get your stories straight, then come upstairs," he says in a continuingly unreadable voice before turning and walking away.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. He's so pissed at me," says Ryan pulling his hair out on it's ends.

"No. He's mad at me for not telling him. They had other rules for when I got a boyfriend," I say. "It'll be ok. I'll probably just be grounded or something."

He doesn't seem convinced.

"Hey. I love you. Let's go talk to my parents," I say and give him a kiss.

When we get upstairs, Eric and Conner are watching a Star Wars show, and Mom looks over at them, "boys, go to your rooms for a bit, please. We need to talk to TK."

"Ohhhhhh, you're in trouble," says Eric with a grin.

"Eric. Go," says Dad.

We sit down on the couch, and They just look at us both for what feels like 5 full minutes.

Dad speaks first, "ok. First. We're clearly not against you two dating." And he looks at Mom, who nods.

"And second?" I ask.

"How long has it been going on, and are you having sex?" He asks.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ryan blanch at the second question.

I answer for us, "New Year, and yes. But that's very recent."

"And you're being safe?" Asks Mom.

"Yup. As promised." I say. Even if we aren't. Ryan and I have only had sex with each other, so we kind of didn't see the point in condoms, but they don't need to know that.

"Ok. Mandy, anything else?" Asks Dad, and she shakes her head and smiles. "Ok. TK you're grounded for a week for lying to us. You should've told us months ago, but I assume you're keeping this to yourselves for a reason?"

Ryan answers this one, "uhh yes. My Dad doesn't..... doesn't like gay people. So the fewer people know, the better for now. Please."

Mom jumps in, "ok, TK; you're grounded starting tomorrow. He'd have to explain to the other three what happened. It helps them stay safe." She pats Dad's knee, and he agrees.

"Ok. New rules now that we know," and he gives us a look. "Same as before. 1. He can't be here if we aren't. 2. 10pm bedtime during the week. We can push that back in the summer—new rules 3. You have to tell us where you're going on your dates. 4. That door stays open from now on. Last rule, no more sleepovers."

"But he sleeps on the pullout?" I say.

"I'd only know that if I stayed up all night," he says. "No more sleepovers."

"I can live with that, Mr. Johnson," says Ryan as I open my mouth to argue more.

I sigh, "ok, I guess."

"Ok, good. Now tell us how it all happened," says Mom.

I can't help but smile at how different my parents act about this topic than my father would have been.

Ryan dives into our story. Starting with the fight at the soccer field. Skipping over the incident a few weeks ago. They're really happy for us.

The ring of the doorbell gets us all moving again. Eric and Conner are back out playing video games, and Dad starts dinner with Mom and Ryan, and I head downstairs to meet Jamie, Trevor, and Sarah.

They all talk about the test and manage to get Ryan to admit that it went better than he thought it did at first. I resist the urge to hold his hand and support him.

Trevor brought playing cards, and the rest of the night is spent hanging out. School is done in two weeks: no more hockey, wrestling, soccer, cheerleading, Model UN, or plays. The last night the 5 of us have free until the end of the school year.

It's been a great year, even with the fight with Ryan. This is my favorite year ever. 2013 is the best.

I steal a glance at Ryan, who makes a kiss face at me. Jamie's oblivious to it. Sarah's looking the other way, but Trevor saw and starts laughing so hard he farts. It's at that point I laugh so hard I snort like my mom. Ryan's doubled over with tears in his eyes and Jamie's in pain from laughing, and Sarah's bright red.

I look up at the stairs and see Mandy smiling and shaking her head.

Between laughs, I manage to say, "I love you, guys," and Trevor pulls me into a bear hug.

"Ew, you smell like farts, Trevor," I exclaim, and the laughter starts all over.

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