˗ˋ 07

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-: seventh year :-


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Mrs Weasley followed them out of the kitchen, jaw still set and looking rather grim. "I want you all to go straight to bed, no talking," She began as they reached the first landing. "We've got a busy day tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep," she added to Hermione, "so try not to wake her up."

"Asleep, yeah, right," said Fred in an undertone to the others, after Hermione bade them good night and they were climbing to the next floor. "If Ginny's not lying awake waiting for Hermione to tell her everything they said downstairs, then I'm a flobberworm."

"All right, Ron, Harry," Mrs Weasley said as they continued onto the second landing, pointing them into their bedroom. "Off to bed with you."

"Night," Harry and Ron said to the other three teenagers.

"Sleep tight." Rosie and Fred said simultaneously, the latter winking at his brother and his best friend. Mrs Weasley closed the door sharply behind Harry, ushering Rosie and the twins to the next floor, to where their shared room was.

"I expect all three of you to go straight to bed. I don't want to hear any talking from the three of you." Mrs Weasley said, as she pushed open their room's door.

"Right you are." George began, first to filter into the room. Fred followed soon after, and then Rosie, Mrs Weasley peering in after them.

"Goodnight, Rosie, I know your father will be wanting the same." Mrs Weasley nodded at the girl, who was dutifully pulling out her folded pajamas from under the pillow. "Make sure these two don't do anything."

"Of course." Rosie nodded, smiling as the door closed, eyes flashing with laughter as she looked back at the twins, who had their ears pressed up against the wall, listening for their mother to continue back downstairs. As soon as the footsteps faded, they seemed to both let out a breath they were holding.

"How on earth you've managed to convince her you're more responsible than the both of us is beyond me." Fred said with a sigh, heading towards his bed. "The amount of pranks and products you're the mastermind behind - who would've known that Molly Weasley trusts you."

"I reckon it has something to do with her knowing that I helped Cedric. Anyways, is there anything you need me to get next visit? I'll leave early if there's no change and go over to Diagon Alley." Rosie said, abandoning her pajamas and sitting at the end of her bed, leaning on the metal framing.

"Did we run out of anything?" George asked. "Oi - knobhead, give me a boost." Fred rolled his eyes, walking over to the wardrobe and holding out his hands, wincing as George stepped up into them, searching the top of the wardrobe, pushing on one of the panels in the wall and carefully passing it to Rosie.

Inside the panel was a multitude of different items, from actually products they've developed, to instructions on how they did it and ingredient lists, as well as the actual ingredients.

"I'd say we're fine, but I'll have a proper look later." George said, and Rosie handed the panel back to him, the Weasley boy securing it. 

"Reckon we're good now?" Fred asked, glancing at his brother, who had gotten down safetly. "Rosie, we're going down to the boys' room."

The Kersey girl nodded, and with a crack, the three of them had apparated down to Ron and Harry's room. "Ouch!" Ron cried out. 

"Keep your voice down, Ron, or Mum'll be back up here." George said, sounding rather disgruntled.

"You two just apparated on my knees!" Ron replied, Rosie sitting down beside him

 "Yeah, well, it's harder in the dark —"

"Don't you dare kick me off you little-" Rosie said, as she felt Ron trying to push her off. The twins shushed her, George climbing off of Ron and sitting down on Harry's bed, Fred staying on Ron's.

"So, got there yet?" asked George eagerly. 

"The weapon Sirius mentioned?" Harry piped up.

 "Let slip, more like," said Fred with relish. "We didn't hear about that on the old Extendables, did we?"

"What d'you reckon it is?"  Harry continued, Rosie hitting the duvet over Ron's legs, the boy still trying to kick her off. 

"Could be anything," Beside her, Fred shrugged nonchalantly, as if Rosie and Ron weren't inches away from a fight beside him. 

"But there can't be anything worse than the Avada Kedavra curse, can there?" Ron had given up with a sigh, Rosie smirking at her success. "What's worse than death?"

"Plenty of things, Ronald. Beside it could be something bigger to do with death. Like something that can kill tons of people at once?" Rosie guessed.

"Maybe it's some particularly painful way of killing people." Ron continued, sounding fearful.

"He's got the Cruciatus Curse for causing pain," said Harry. "He doesn't need anything more efficient than that." There was a pause and Rosie shivered, knowing that the others, like her, were wondering what horrors this weapon could perpetrate. 

"So who d'you thinks got it now?" asked George. 

"I hope it's our side," Ron said, slightly nervous. 

"If it is, Dumbledore's probably keeping it." Fred continued.

"Where?" asked Ron quickly. "Hogwarts?"

"Bet it is!" said George. "That's where he hid the Sorcerer'sStone!"

"And where a bunch of first years found it. Because of you idiots, there would be no way that Dumbledore ever hides anything at Hogwarts again." Rosie frowned. "What is it with you lot and asking dumb questions."

"You'll have to ignore the mermaid, it turns out they can get extra crabby when unhappy, tired or confused." Fred said, and in the darkness, you could hear the sound of Rosie hitting him, and Fred muffling a groan with his hands.

"A weapon's going to be a lot bigger than the Stone,though!" Ron ignored everything that Rosie had said.

"Not necessarily." Fred countered

"Yeah, size is no guarantee of power," said George. "Look atGinny." Harry asked what he meant. "You've never been on the receiving end of one of her Bat Bogey Hexes, have you?"

 "Shhh!" said Fred, half-rising from the bed. "Listen!" They fell silent. Footsteps were coming up the stairs again. 

"Mum," George said, and with a crack, the three of them had apparated back into their room, scrambling to turn the lights off and dive under the covers for when Mrs Weasley would no doubtedly come to check on them.

And when she would go back downstairs, they would change into their pajamas and lay awake for hours, talking about what this secret weapon could be.

And the hours of dawn would lull them into a restless sleep.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant