˗ˋ 06

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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Without the endless weeks of Quidditch practises, and weekends of matches, the time seemed to go quickly. No visits to Hogsmeade, no Quidditch made sure that any spare time they had was either watching the Quidditch pitch be deconstructed and replaced with something they had no recognition with.

Or to think about the upcoming tournament. And in Rosie's case, it also meant thinking about the advanced potion she had to bottle up later that night, after she had finished some of the homework for Charms. 

She had managed to catch up to the work she missed quite easily, and after her birthday, the potion was only thing she really had to focus on. 

Fred and George had easily got their hands on the ingredients. Rosie had just needed to ask Professor Snape a few questions - whether it was about something they learnt that lesson or just about a certain ingredient and the uses behind it.

Rosie was one of the only Gryffindors that Snape seemed able to tolerate. Of course, had she not been so talented at potions, then he would dislike her just like any other Gryffindor - maybe even to the amount he seemed to despise Fred and George.

And had it been either of the twins asking the questions, they would have recieved short answers, and couldn't go more in depth. However, Rosie would recieve paragraph long answers, and with her knowledge, could continue to ask questions, and have Snape launch into explanations which would last at least five minutes.

It ended up with the twins only needing one trip to the ingredients store cupboard, as Rosie ended up talking to Snape for a good quarter of an hour after the lesson ended.

Rosie managed to not blow up the cauldron that she had set up in one of the bathrooms in the top few floors of Hogwarts - one which nobody tended to use, as it was so out of the way from any classroom areas or places that people tended to hang out.

The Charms homework luckily didn't take too long to complete, and she tucked it away in the place that the twins would know to look, if they decided to do their homework, so they could copy it. 

She began the walk to the bathroom, it taking her at least ten minutes to take the stairs that seemed her to want to go anywhere but the seventh floor.

It only took five or so minutes after she finally got to the seventh floor to arrive at the bathroom, making sure that nobody was around before she entered, locking herself in one of the hidden toilets to the back. 

The potion seemed ready, and with a newt spleen added last minute, the potion bubbled satisfyingly, a shade of emerald green which Rosie could recognise as it being successful. 

Taking out one of the pretty bottles that Rosie tended to collect, which would usually sit on the windowsill next to her bed, casting rainbow light into her Gryffindor dorm, she sat down to carefully bottle up the green potion. 

The glass bottle was old, worn smooth and slightly cloudy from it's use. Twisting glass vines went around the bottle, and Rosie admired it, before carefully pouring in the green potion. 

The potion fit perfectly into the bottle, and Rosie cleaned the cauldron in one of the sinks, stowing it away to return later in the week to collect it. 

Exiting the bathroom, Rosie began to make her way back to areas more populated by students, admiring the pretty glass bottle every now and again.

"What you got there?" A voice made Rosie jump out of skin, and she very almost dropped the potion. Luckily, the person in front of her caught it, immediately catching it. "It must be my instincts."

Rosie looked up to see Cedric stood in front of her, looking down at the potion in his hands. "You made this? What is it?" He asked, pulling out the stopper and sniffing it. "It smells like bananas."

"Aging potion." Rosie shrugged, knowing there was no point hiding it. Cedric was also talented in potions, and she knew bananas might end up being the thing which made him figure it out.

"But why?" Cedric looked confused, and Rosie knew why, as she gently took the bottle out of his hands, tucking it into her robes. "You just turned seventeen, so why would you need it."

"It's for other people." Rosie shrugged, smiling. "I suspect it won't work, but hey, it makes them happy. I made it a little stronger, so maybe it could work." 

"For the twins?" Cedric asked, and Rosie nodded. "Not many people would make such an advanced potion, even more advanced, for it to not work."

"I want to help them. They really want to enter." Rosie stepped onto the moving stairs, Cedric joining her. "I want to help, if I can do." 

"Is everything alright after the other day?" Cedric asked, after a few moments of being on the moving stairs. Rosie stared at one of the portraits on the wall for a few moments.

"Yeah. Everything's fine." Rosie replied, and they spoke for a few more moments, Cedric walking with her until she reached the portrait of the Fat Lady. 

The portrait swung open and Rosie waved goodbye to Cedric, and people who could see who was outside stared, and began mumbling amongst each other. 

"Rosie." A voice called, and she looked over to their usual seat. Looking over, she saw the twins and Lee, and she walked over, sitting down. They were copying her homework, and paused for a moment to look up at her.

"Date with Cedric?" George commented, and Rosie rolled her eyes, shaking her head. She pulled out the blue glass bottle, pushing it over the table. 

"It's ready?" Fred asked, and Rosie nodded, laughing as the group cheered. It wasn't long until Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would arrive, and the tournament would arrive. 

And because it might be one of the last chances she got before the other schools arrived, that night, Rosie would make her way down to the Great Lake. 

For a night with her family, or part of it.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now