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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Rosie didn't know where exactly she was heading. All that she knew was that the bubbling anger had turned into a feeling of sadness. She didn't want to be around everyone, give her a chance to go over what had just happened. 

Rosie knew she had no right to feel so awful and upset over Cedric being with Cho whilst he should have been with her practising for the next task. It was just that he had promised her that after the Yule ball, it would be over. 

Cedric had told her that he knew just how horrible Cho's words were, but yet still did this. And Rosie felt a sense of betrayal and almost jealousy. She wasn't entitled to feeling this - she shouldn't be.

Rosie was never the type to tell someone who they could and couldn't be friends with. In this case, Rosie had told Cedric how horrible Cho had been, and Cedric had agreed that it was horrible, and then said that he no longer wanted to be friends with her. 

They were supposed to stop being friends after the Yule ball, but as the days of January crept past and the 24th of February became closer and closer, Cedric was blowing off his practise to be around the girl who had been so nasty to Rosie. 

Who had helped him with the first task, and who was helping him with the second. But now, he had to go without her help, because there was absolutely no way that she could handle helping him now. 

It hurt, but it was also embarassing, and resentful tears stung her eyes. She swore under breath, hurrying to wipe them away. Rosie never cried, she shouldn't be crying. 

But it felt awful, to know that Cedric had promised her that he wouldn't be with this girl, and that he valued their friendship. It was so obviously a lie now, but Rosie had believed it, and had believed it in a way that made her completely forget that Cedric might have just been lying to her the whole time. 

"Woah, woah, woah." A voice said, and in a blur of tears, someone appeared in front of Rosie. She blinked a few times, shocked to find Theo stood in front of her, looking confused. 

"Oh Merlin." She muttered, instantly turning away from him and wiping at her eyes, embarassed that the attractive guy, who she had only spent around an hour with, was now seeing her crying. 

"Hey - no, Rosie, come on." Theo said, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and turning her around, taking her hand and gently pulling her down onto a nearby bench. 

"I'm sorry you're seeing this. Especially after how I looked at the ball. God, I'm such a mess." Rosie rambled, her words coming out so quickly that Theo wasn't exactly sure wwhat she was saying. 

"No.. no." He insisted. "Honestly, you look just as ethereal as ever." A flush of heat appeared on Rosie's cheeks and she fell silent for a moment. "What happened?" Theo asked softly, hoping he wasn't being too invasive. 

"Cedric." Rosie grumbled. Theo nodded his head, before he saw the confusion on Rosie's face and stopped. "You expected it?" 

"Sort of. Cedric Diggory - is that his name, yes I think so. Well he looks like a heartbreaker." Theo said, and Rosie sat up, shaking her head. 

"He didn't break my heart, I have a fully intact heart, thank you very much." She sniffed, wiping away the remnants of tears. "But he told me.. promised me he would do one thing. But he didn't do it." 

"Why don't you talk through what happened, maybe it could help you feel better, get it out of your system." Theo suggested, and Rosie considered it, before agreeing. 

"It started just when you arrived from Durmstrang and before the feast that night. Me and Cedric were both going to enter, and if either one of us got the place as champion, the other would help." Rosie began, Theo nodded. 

"Cedric obviously got it, and then I began helping him in preparation for the First Task. It came and went, and then when I went to check if he was alright, this girl was already in there.. and she said some rather hurtful things. Cedric heard all this, and didn't say anything - although I'm pretty sure he was close to passing out, but he heard everything all the same." 

"That was the first time the bet was off. I didn't help Cedric for a while, then he apologised and we had a conversation about what the girl said. I told him how hurtful it was, and he agreed that it was horrible. He had asked her to the ball, and we both agreed that he would be a gentleman and go through with it, then stop being friends with her afterwards." Rosie continued. 

"The Yule Ball happened, I met you, Cedric got.. oddly flirty but he was somewhat drunk, so it didn't matter. The bet was back on, and I began helping him again."

"But then he started turning up to practise late. And tonight he didn't show at all. I'm a bit of an idiot really, because I sat there for an hour waiting, writing things down to help him." Rosie's gaze dropped, and she stared at the floor. 

"He turned up just as I was about to leave he turned up. He looked like he had just been in a closet doing god knows what with someone, so I asked him and he told me he was with a girl. It just hurt, you know?" Rosie finished, and Theo found her hand, squeezing it gently. 

"I'm guessing the bet's off again?" He asked, Rosie nodding. "Maybe it's for the best." He suggested. "It might hurt, but it seems like he values his friendship with that girl over yours. Which isn't exactly the nicest thing to hear or happen, but it sounds like that's what has happened. 

"You're right." Rosie sighed, standing up and pulling Theo with her. "Let's go to dinner." She said softly, and Theo nodded, smiling and agreeing. 

Rosie needed to forget Cedric. And Theo was the perfect person to help her do that.

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