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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"Wake up you lazy lump." Were the words that Rosie heard as she woke up, several days into the Christmas holidays. The girl whined and rolled over, pulling the weird-smelling Gryffindor sheets over her head.

Next thing she knew, she was spluttering and sitting up, two weights appearing on her body. She shoved what was quite obviously the twins off of her legs, and stared at them. "I don't have to wake up early now. And how did you get up here?" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes and yawning. 

"You feel asleep in our dorm last night." Fred explained from the floor, standing up then pulling his twin up. "And it's almost the end of breakfast, not at all early."

"Well shit." Rosie frowned, slipping out of the bed, stretching and walking past the piles of clothes over to the dresser, searching through it until she pulled out a pair of leggings and one of her quidditch jerseys. 

"How did they get in there?" George asked, as Rosie headed towards the bathroom, careful not to step into the half-full cauldron or on a box of the Canary Creams that was far too close to the door of their bathroom. 

"I put them in here last year I think. When I would only hang out with you in your room because it was significantly cleaner than mine and because I could somehow revise better in here then in mine." Rosie somewhat over explained, before disappearing into the bathroom.

She reappeared minutes later, dressed in the clothes, face wiped clean of any makeup she had accidentally slept in. "I'm assuming it's not too late for breakfast I'm starving and if either of you woke me up for food and it's too late I'll magic you bald." Rosie threatened, looking down at Fred's bed side table. "This is mine right?" She asked, picking up the wand that lay there.

"Is there a spell for that?" Fred asked, and George plucked his wand out of Rosie's hand, placing the one that had been discarded on the floor. 

"Come on then." Rosie said, putting her wand in her pocket. She hadn't answered the twin, and Fred laughed, knowing there was no way for her to follow through with her threats. 

They descended down the school the the Hall, which was still packed considering how late it was getting in the morning. There was barely any food left on the table, as it always was as it got later, and but yet there were still many crowded around, chatting animatedly. 

"That came for you." Ron told Rosie, as she sat down in her seat. 'That' was a rather large, flat box, accompanied by a slightly smaller, square box on top of it. 

"Oh, thanks Ronald." Rosie beamed down at the boy, who frowned at the nickname, but grinned back at her anyways, stabbing yet another sausage with his fork. 

"I wonder what it is." Rosie mumbled, pulling the package down onto her lap, carefully untying the ribbon that kept the top on the rather flat box. Fred and George peered over her shoulder as she did so, Angelina joining them moments later. 

Rosie only opened the box about half an inch before slamming it shut, and the trio stood over her stared at her. "It's a surprise." Rosie looked up at the twins, her eyes meeting Angelina's. 

"Is it a dress?" The girl mouthed, and Rosie nodded, Angelina squealing, before stopping as she realised that people were staring. 

"Are we missing something here?" George looked between Angelina, himself, Fred and Rosie. "Rosie I don't suppose you're free to test that thing after lunch? George continued. 

"Busy? Why would I be busy?" Rosie frowned, tying the ribbon back into place. "It's the holidays, and I'm not doing any more homework until after the ball."

"You don't have anything with Cedric?" Fred continued, and Rosie shook her head. 

"I'm not helping Cedric again until we come back to school. We've both got more than enough time to figure things out between then and the second task." Rosie shrugged. 

"Remind me why you two even made the bet?" Angelina looked confused. "I mean... you didn't- you weren't really friends at all, and then you came back this year and you're making bets?"

"Stuff happens at the Quidditch World Cup." Rosie said, and blushed. "I didn't mean it like that. More like almost getting killed." 

"Makes sense." George said quietly, and the two twins watched as Rosie got up, standing by Angelina. 

"I've got to go put this away, and talk to Angelina about things. I'll see you in a bit." Rosie said to the twins, both girls disappearing from sight. 

"Do you think she was acting weird?" Fred questioned, and George glanced at his brother, a slice of toast in his hand.

"Maybe? I'm not sure, but lets go check we're not going to kill her with these trial things." George frowned at the twin beside him. "Because otherwise, you won't have a date."

"Yeah.." Fred trailed off, wondering whether or not he had made the right choice in asking Rosie out. For one of the first times in his life, he almost regretted his decisions.

But he didn't know why.

sorry this chapter
kinda sucked but
it's just a filler so :/
sorry about that <33

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora