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-: seventh year :-


. . .

The entirety of Gryffindor fifth year students jumped out of the skin when the door into their Transfiguration classroom - it was Classroom 1B, the one accessible from the middle courtyard - was pushed open so hard it slammed into the stone wall behind it. 

Rosie Kersey, a little breathless, slightly pink in the face and anger blazing in her eyes, stepped through the door, barely even acknowledging the class sat in the rows of desks. 

"Miss Kersey!" Professor McGonagall was stood in the back right corner, peering over Seamus and Dean's shoulder's at their work on Vanishing Spells - Rosie had noticed the title for the lesson on the blackboard before searching for the teacher. "What on earth are you doing here? Should you not be in..."

She trailed off, seeming to realise what exactly was going on. "Defense Against the Dark Arts." McGonagall finished her sentence, and glances were shared amongst the students, who had had their first lesson on Monday. 

"I've come to inform you that I may not be returning to that classroom." Rosie composed herself, wrapping her arms around her stomach and adjusting her bag strap. "Or attending any of my Defense Against the Dark Arts classes whilst that cow is still teaching."

"Miss Kersey!"

"I apologise. That toad-faced woman." Rosie corrected herself, taking a deep breath. "However I am still very much inclined to teach myself the entire curiculum this year and take the exams at the end of the year. If it's based on her textbook then I'll have it all memorised by next week." 

"What on earth are you talking about? Whilst your NEWTs are optional, it is far too late to drop or change any of your subjects." Professor McGonagall looked confused. "You can't just drop out of them, Miss Kersey."

"I'm not going to attend classes." Rosie repeated, drawing herself up and tilting up her chin, considering for just a moment. "And well... I was going to be discreet but Ellie Amspoker is in that class and its going to be spread around the school within an hour." She took another breath. "Umbridge called me a half-breed, Professor."

"Half-breed as in half-blood?" Neville's voice wobbled as he asked the question. Everyone turned to stare at him. "It was just uncertain because.. well.."

Eyes turned back to Rosie, and those who didn't know looked confused. Did she mean werewolf? Or something else. That's what the term had been used for in their lesson.

"She called you a...?" Professor McGonagall had advanced to the front of the classroom and took her seat behind the desk. "A half-breed."

"Yup. Me and Professor Lupin. Really dangerous we are." The Kersey girl felt sick as she said it, feeling absolutely awful for not only herself but Lupin as well. "The werewolf who wears sweater vests and a half-mermaid whose only talent is that she can cry a few healing tears."

"Miss Kersey, please take a seat so we can discuss this after class." McGonagall waved her wand an a paperweight shaped like a ball of wool into a wooden chair complete with a red cushion. 

Rosie glanced at it, somewhat unsure whether she had even calmed down enough to sit down, but eventually she sat down, crossing her legs and arms, fingers twisting around the material of her skirt. 

As the lesson came to an end and Harry, Hermione and Ron all passed with sympathetic smile on each of their faces, a pink paper airpane drifted through the door. McGonagall caught it with ease, and Rosie moved her chair around to the front of the desk.

A wave of the woman's wand closed the door behind Parvati Patil, and with a sigh, she opened it up. Rosie sat in silence as she watched McGonagall read the words - it was no doubtedly from Umbridge. 

"Rosie - did you call the class... ahem.. bullshit?" The girl had never heard the teacher swear and with wide eyes, she nodded. "Did you call her half-cow and let her know that the shade of pink she wore was ugly?"

"And that I wouldn't go near her with a ten foot stick." Rosie confirmed with a nod of her head. "And I'm not going to any of her detentions she set me either." She hesitated. "I'm sorry Professor, I really am. It's just that with how my family have told me they've been treated by wizards in the past and learning Professor Lupin was my godfather and getting to know him in that position... I couldn't sit there and listen."

"I know you couldn't." McGonagall was writing something down rather quickly. "I have know Mr Lupin since he was eleven, and I admit after finding out what she told the fifth years I was rather angry myself. However, we musn't have outbursts like that in class. I will raise this topic to Dumbledore, but for now I can work on getting your detentions removed and I can alter your attendance for Defense Against the Dark Arts if you still feel the same next lesson." 

"Thank you Professor." Rosie sat back in her seat. "You wouldn't happen to know if there's been any updates on-"

"Mr Diggory? I'm sorry, I'm afraid not." The woman looked apologetic. "But I have confirmed with Mr and Mrs Diggory that it would be appropriate for you to visit on Saturday. Have fun, Rosie, and don't forget about Quidditch okay?"

"Right.. yeah of course." Rosie got to her feet. "I have a free period next, so I can make the sign-up sheet. Thank you for the reminder, Miss."

"No problem." McGonagall replied, shooting a rare smile at the seventh year as she left. With an empty classroom, she slumped in her seat. Already, Umbridge was causing trouble. And there was nothing her or Dumbledore could do about it.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now