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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Rosie waited around in the classroom for a couple of minutes before exiting. It would mean that she and Cedric wouldn't have an awkward crossing of paths in the corridor, and also gave her a few more moments of silence before she returned to the loud hustle and bustle of the school. 

Cedric finally knew she was a mermaid - one less thing for her to reveal later on. She was lucky it led to them becoming friends again and not him threatening to tell the whole school. She hadn't thought he would - but there was always that fear every time someone found out.

And just like Cedric found out about Rosie's mermaid heritage, the Kersey girl found out just how soundproof and thick the stone walls of the castles were.

Because as she stepped out of the classroom door, the sound of raised voices was instantly heard. Frowning, Rosie glanced around, and not seeing anyone, she assumed they were most likely either in the nearby courtyard or just around. 

She didn't expect to turn the corner on her decided journey back into the main area of the castle to find Cedric and Theo staring at each other - and neither looked very happy at all. 

"What's going on?" Rosie even surprised herself with just how strict her voice came out, and the severity of stopped the two boys in their tracks, and their gazes moved from each other to Rosie. 

"Rosie-" Theo began, but Cedric glared at him, making him hesitate. "I was just waiting for you and-"

"Sorry what?" Rosie blinked. "Waiting for me? Theo we agreed to meet up after dinner to talk." She said, and turned to Cedric. "Diggory, what happened?"

"I came out of the classroom, turned the corner and saw this Leo guy just stood here - oh sorry did I get your name wrong again?" He rolled his eyes as Theo opened his mouth to correct him.

Rosie stood still for a moment, eyes focused on nothing in particular. She had never seen Cedric like this - he was usually so sweet. Whatever happened must have really riled him up. And the way the conversation was going, she wouldn't be surprised if she ended up the same why by the time it ended.

"Theo." Rosie's gaze turned to the Durmstrang boy, who seemed to cower under her gaze, but something flickered and he stood tall. "We agreed to meet up after dinner. Why were you waiting around the corner from where me and Cedric were. I know for a fact that you weren't heading in this direction - and the boat is on the otherside of the castle before you begin with that bullshit."

"Look, Rosie. You were the one who told me all about this Cedric guy, and what he did to you after the ball and how he was with Cho again, even after all that. You can't blame me for not trusting him." Theo argued in reply.

"You can not trust Cedric all you want. But I told you I know what I'm doing. There would be no way I would go into a quieter part of the school with him if something would be wrong or dangerous about it." She stared at him, and Theo scoffed.

"God, it's so obvious. Through all your bitching about him I can't believe I didn't see it before. You are absolutely head over heels for him!" Theo shook his head in disbelief.

Across from him, Cedric's eyes flickered over to meet Rosie's, an unamed emotion flickering within them. 

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Say that I am absolutely head over heels in love with Cedric. Do you think I would have continued things with you. No offense Ced, but for a good portion of time I considered you the biggest prick in school. And Theo I told you that. Tell me where in that does it tell me that I love Cedric." Rosie folded her arms.

"Hey if we could stop repeating that phrase-" Cedric said rather weakly, his cheeks pink. Theo heard him, and scoffed once more. 

"And he loves you too - so tell me, Rosie, how long have you been whoring around with the both of us? How long have you been bitching about him to me whilst I kiss you and hold your hands and be with you before you run off to do the same with him, huh?" Theo started, and Rosie's jaw dropped, and she saw red.

But apparently she wasn't the only one who did - because Cedric, once blushing and looking rather awkward in the conversation, suddenly stepped forward, fist raising.

And punched Theo in the nose.


i planned on having
theo be a really nice dude
because yeah and they stopped
things nicely but i had the 
sudden urge to make cedric punch
him so here we are
although we know ced would never
ever ever punch anyone i feel like
he could if he was angry enough

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now