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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"So you're dating Diggory now?" Theodosii's voice bounced around the empty hallway that Rosie stepped into, and the girl rolled her eyes, pulling the door shut behind her.

She had just been at practise with Cedric, and as usual, they took it in turns to leave one before the other. And this time it was Rosie's turn to leave the Room of Requirement last. Which was good, seeing as now Cedric wouldn't have to see Theo so up close again - in the Great Hall was close enough. 

They had covered defensive spells that lesson. Defensive in the sense that it caused things to blow up. They were more destructive than defensive, which Cedric had argued, but Rosie insisted that they were for self-defense, which was right only to a certain point.

Defensive or destructive didn't seem to matter if you were good at them, which Cedric certainly was.

"Yes, I am. Got a problem with that? Sad that I whored around with him so much that I just ended up dating him?" Rosie replied, shrugging her bag over her shoulder and folding her arms, looking up at the Durmstrang student expectantly.

"Sad that you whored around.. no. Surprised that he actually wanted to be with you after all that, yes." The boy replied, looking somewhat cocky. 

"Oh, you don't really think that Cedric believed you do you?" Rosie scoffed, before breezing past Theo. "I have people to meet. If you're going to say something, go ahead."

Theo said nothing, and Rosie waited for just a moment longer than she needed to, just in case. "And just like that, we're never going to talk again. Not that it's a bad thing, but hey."

Rosie stalked away from him, somehow having ended up getting closure she didn't ask for. But would complain about indefinitely because she had been looking forward to see Cedric punch him again.

"I have a stalker." She sighed, as she entered the Gryffindor common room and collpased beside Fred and George on the sofa, not even taking into account Harry, Hermione and Ron sat near them. 

"Enlighten us, dearest." George said, full of sarcasm and rather flatly and Rosie just groaned, covering her eyes with one hand and sticking her middle finger up on the other, directed at either Fred or George, she wasn't sure. 

"I don't get why he can't just fuck off." Rosie whined, sitting up and watching as Fred jokingly reached forward and covered Ron's ears, smirking a little when the boy practically smacked his hands away. 

"I'm guessing we're talking about Theodosii then?" Hermione asked. "But I thought you were dating Cedric."

"Fake dating. I only kissed him to piss of three people. Rita Skeeter - the sly bitch, Cho Chang and Theodosii something. You know he never told me his last name, that's weird." Rosie went off course for a moment, before shaking her head and clearing her throat.

"The kiss meant nothing and when Cedric practically dragged me out of that room I told him so. Then I told him exactly why fake dating would be a good idea, and he agreed. So we're only fake dating so that it looks like I'm just going to meet up with him to do stuff in broom closests, not help him win the Triwizard Tournament - sorry Harry." Rosie quickly added.

"It's no issue. A bet is a bet.. doesn't matter how many times it's been called off, I guess." Harry shrugged.

"That's the spirit. I mean, if you wanted any help then I could easily write a list of things for you-" Rosie began, only for Fred to cut her off.

"Not happening." He said, and the girl was about to shout at him when he shushed her. "You're already tiring yourself out over helping Diggory. I'm sorry Harry, but she can't."

Rosie made an apologetic face at the Potter boy, before leaning back in her seat, eyes closed as she listened to the others discuss her current situation.

"Is it not a bit cruel?" Hermione said quietly, and Rosie looked up for a moment, visibly confused. "I mean, for Rosie to just kiss Cedric and tell him that it meant nothing."

"I told him before. And it wasn't like he kissed back or anything." Rosie was lying. He had kissed back. 

"Well you don't think he would just punch Theo for nothing right? He doesn't seem like the person to just punch people." The Granger girl continued, and she was right. 

And it was then that Rosie began to consider that it might be just a little bit deeper than she first imagined.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt