Chapter 18

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-Nora POV-

After we got questioned, Armin and I sat down outside. “Did you hear, there’s a Titan inside the wall?” we heard a soldier say.

I looked at Armin and he looked at me. “What the hell?” I whispered.
“Nora, Armin” it was Captain Levi.
“Sir, is it true?” I asked.

“What is?” he asked, staring at me.
“About the Titan in the wall! What else?” I asked.
“Unfortunately, yes. It seems like the walls are made of Titans” he said.
Suddenly we heard the bells and shouting. “The Titans have breached wall Rose!”

“Are you freaking kidding me!” I shouted, startling Armin and Captain Levi. “We can’t just seem to catch a break… I swear, if Jean jinxed us again, I’m gonna cut out his tongue”

“Go get Ackerman and Eren” said Captain Levi and we ran to the room.
Armin opened the door and shouted. “Eren! Mikasa! They’ve broken through wall Rose! The Titans! They’re coming!”

We got into our uniforms and ran downstairs, to the wagons.
“Great, can somebody explain to me what this means?” asked Eren.
“I don’t know” said Armin. “But they’re Titans, right? Would they break a wall with Titans in it?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time. That’s how they got into Shiganshina” said Eren.
“That was a gate” said Armin.
“Armin, what exactly are you getting at?” asked Mikasa.

“The walls are different. There are no signs of stress or cracks. We can’t even really tell how they were constructed” explained Armin. “Suppose they’re build with the same stuff Annie’s trapped herself in”

“So the walls… are made of Titans” said Eren.
Armin and I got inside the wagon as well. The four of us sat next to each other.

“Sorry to keep you waiting” Hange came, together with Captain Levi and a priest. “Took longer to prepare than I thought”
“Eh. I’m just gonna ask. What the hell is a priest from the order of the walls doing here?” I asked.

“Old Nick and me are thick as thieves” laughed Hange. “It’s fine. Makes as much sense for him to be here as the rest of us, don’t you think? We’re… random”

“No, on the contrary. Erwin has thrown us together for a reason” said Captain Levi.
We moved out and I noticed that Armin was looking at the wall.


“Wait, wait, back up! You’re joking, right? This guy knew and he kept quiet?” shouted Eren.
“Uhu. Afraid so. Just about sums up where we are with him. Cats out of the bag now of course. He’s not willing to talk yet. But we’ll see how he feels after a hard dose of reality. Faith keeps him quiet, first-hand experience though…” said Hange.

“To hell with that!” shouted Eren and stood up in the wagon. “We’re doing this backwards! If this son of a bitch knows something, he needs to come out with it! Humanity is on the brink of extinction and all you care about is keeping your oath?” Eren touched his head and sat back down.

“Hey, keep it easy. You’re still not fully recovered” said Mikasa.
Captain Levi held a gun next to the priest. “There’s more than one way to get the truth. Granted, I may not be in top form at the moment, but it doesn’t take much strength to squeeze a trigger. That said, I’m genuinely hoping that I won’t have to blow a hole in you to settle this. How about you?” he asked.

“Threatening doesn’t work, Levi. Trust me on that. Agree with him or not, there’s no denying our priest here is a man of principal. Which of course leads me to wonder, if he’s so unwilling to talk… what do you imagine he’s putting above the faith of humanity?” asked Hange.

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