Chapter 22

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-Eren POV-

I slowly opened my eyes and I noticed steam coming out of me.
“You’re awake” I looked up and saw Reiner and Berthold. Reiner sat down with an unconscious Nora… “Welcome back”

I looked at my arms, they had been cut off…
“What the hell? My arms!” I shouted.
“Eren” said Ymir. “I’m not in any better shape here” her arm and leg were healing.

“Sorry, that was my fault. You can pin your injuries on me. Guess I was in kind of a hurry back there. Bit your nape without thinking about your arms” said Reiner.
“What the hell did you do to Nora?” I shouted.

“That’s my fault” said Berthold and looked down. “When I went down. She got caught in the blast, and hit her head. I didn’t mean to hurt her”
I looked closer and noticed burn wounds on her arms and face.

‘I have to get her out of here…’ I thought and bit my arm.
“Eren!” shouted Berthold. “Don’t do it”

“Easy there, hothead” said Ymir and took my arm from my mouth. “Take a look at where we are. This is the giant forest within Wall Maria. Wall Rose is leagues away. Which means, we’re deep in the heart of Titan country. See, I think our buddy down there is an abnormal. It may look like he’s just kicking back, but those eyes haven’t left us once” I looked down at the Titans. “Lot’s of smaller ones down there too. That’s plenty bad enough. Another big one over there. Fixated but keeping his distance. Strikes me as the shy type. And then there are these chumps” she looked at Reiner and Berthold. “Dirty bastards. They had the foresight to suit up in full gear. Of course, Reiner took yours and dumped Nora’s on the way here. Point is, changing into a Titan isn’t gonna accomplish very much right now. One, they can do the same thing if they want. Two, they can zip into the trees if not. Three we’re basically surrounded on all sides. Four, they still have Nora who doesn’t look like she’ll wake up soon. Power or no power, getting out of here would be tricky as hell, even at the best of times. You read me? There’s nothing to gain by being a dumbass”

“She’s right” said Reiner. “You can’t turn into Titans right now anyway. Don’t count on that ability coming to the rescue. The body can only take so much. It’s a little bit preoccupied with healing at the moment”

“Nice try, you expect me to sit here and take the word of a liar?” I asked.
“Yeah well, we’re sort of at a disadvantage here. It’s not like we know the ins and outs of how this works. Unlike you guys, I’m basically clueless about the whole thing” said Ymir and looked at Reiner. “Hey! Reiner, you said you’d start talking once Eren was up. Isn’t it about time you explain what you plan on doing with us?”


Reiner began to explain. “We’re taking you to our hometown. Of course I realise neither of you is just gonna do as I ask. Like Ymir was saying though, this place is crawling with Titans. They’re everywhere. We could beat the living shit out of each other if that’s what you want. But I wouldn’t recommend it. We wait for nightfall, that’s the safest for Nora as well”

“So why didn’t you just stay in Titan form and run all the way home? What’s the point in stopping here in the first place? Did you get tired and needed to take a break?” asked Ymir.

“Dad?” Nora stirred and Reiner immeadiatly went to her.
‘Is she waking up? If she wakes up, if I can assume Titan form, I could take her with me and run away. But Reiner wouldn’t stop here without a reason, so I probably can’t assume Titan form’

“Nora, you’re safe now” said Reiner.
“Armin? Don’t… don’t say that…” Nora was having a nightmare. ‘What is she dreaming about?’

She began to struggle. “Don’t go, please!” she shouted. “It hurts!”
“Nora, it’s me. Reiner, calm down. You’re okay” he said.

“You’re doing it wrong” I said and they looked at me. “Bring her here. I can try what Armin does”

The Grey Angel (Attack on Titan x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя