Chapter 24

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-Nora POV-

“I allowed myself to be kidnapped” said Eren. We were waiting for more news on what to do next. “It’s my fault… because of me the Scouts lost over half of their veteran contingents. All in a single rescue attempt”

“Still though, there were no casualties on the way back” said Armin. “The Titans completely ignored us. They were too fixated on Reiner and the others. Jean and I, we talked about it when we got back. Hear me out. Suppose they acted that way because of you”

“Just a thought of course. But as far as an explanation, it’s about as good as we’ve got. I’m not saying I envy the position you’re in. Maybe all those people really did die for nothing. That all depends on you. If you’re really worth the sacrifice. You better proof it. There’s no time for second guessing” said Jean.

“You’re right, I have to be decisive. If this is real, if I can control Titans. I have to plug up Wall Maria and then make Reiner answer for what he’s done. People died for me, I have to earn what they gave” said Eren.

My father walked too us. “Eleanor. Do you have time?” he asked and I smiled.
“Sure” I said and we walked outside.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions” he said and we sat down on a bench.
“Guess so. I don’t know where to start” I said and he smiled.

“How about we start at the beginning. Your mother’s name was Sarah, she was my best friend and we got drunk one night. And that resulted in you. We both agreed to have you and raise you. But she died after giving birth to you. You see, giving birth in the Underground isn’t really safe” he said.

“What was she like?” I asked.
“Sarah was kind, she saw the good in people. People liked her appearance, she had pure white hair. And you have her smile. She was very emotional and she showed her emotions. I’ve seen you do that too. But your stubbornness and problem with authority you have from me, as well as your temper” he said and I laughed.

“Why did you send me above ground? I don’t remember much, but I remember that I felt scared and alone” I said and he sighed.
“You had just turned 4. I was getting the attention of some dangerous people. And one day, I had left for business, you were with a friend of mine. But they attacked, I got there in time. But they went after you. I couldn’t go above ground for long, because I didn’t have citizenship. But they wouldn’t refuse a 4 year old at an orphanage. So, I thought that it would be safer for you to have a life on the surface, a new life where they couldn’t reach you” he explained.

“When you got citizenship, did you try to find me?” I asked and he nodded.
“The moment I could, I went to the orphanage. But they had no record of you. It wasn’t until I saw you before they breached Trost that I found you. I immeadiatly recognized your smile” he said.

“Not my hair?” I asked and he laughed.
“That too, but it was your smile that drew my attention. And when I caught you, and saw your eyes I was even more sure. And then I saw the bracelet” he said. “When I heard you were a Commanders granddaughter, I got mad at Erwin. Because I had told him about you, so he knew who you really were”

“So, the safer position in the formation?” I asked.
“I requested that” he said and I nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked.

“I was afraid. And the moment was never right. Even after you told me you didn’t hate me. I was afraid” he said and I hugged him.
“I was afraid too. But I always believed that you would find me, dad” I said and he hugged me back.

“I promise, I’ll try to be a good father. I know I have no right to. But I promise, I’ll try” he said.
“We have all the time in the world, dad” I said and smiled. “I’m not going anywhere”

-End of season 2

Author note:
We reached the end of season 2!
Thank you so much for the comments and votes! I really love hearing your thoughts 😊
I hope you're all ready for season 3 😉


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