Chapter 43

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-Nora POV-

"That information should stay in this room. If it became public knowledge, there would be chaos" said an MP.
"Yes, I concur. Regrettably, we can't let this get out until we grasp the situation" said another MP.

"Shall we deceive the people once more?" asked grandpa. "That's what you're suggesting, right? That we keep our citizens blind like the late king did? If we do that, then by what ideals did we oppose king Reiss? What right did we have to seize his crown?"

"Then let's announce it" said Historia. "It's only fair. This is information that the people once knew. Before my predecessor stole it from them. As the people of the walls, all of us will share the same fate. Which is why we need to unite as one and work together"


The information became public, the reactions were different. Some accepted it, some laugh it off, some lash out at the military.
Not long after, there was going to be a ceremony, to give us recognition for taking back Wall Maria.

"Well if it isn't the brave heroes of the walls" it was Hitch.
"Hitch, surprised you came" said Jean.
"I just wanted to watch you guys get your medals" she said.
"I see" said Jean. "Marlo was... very brave. Right to the end"

"I know" she said.
"Isn't that right, Floch? You should tell her" said Jean and laid a hand on Floch's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure" he said. "I rode right beside Marlo. Like me, he joined as an urgent recruit. But unlike me, he was brave and a natural leader. Our situation was hopeless, it seemed to us that the Scouts were on the verge of ruin. Just as our fear was giving way to panic and despair, he stepped in. And inspired us to push on"

"Yeah?" said Hitch.
"He was an amazing person" said Floch.
"I know and that's why... well it's probably why he never listened to me" she said.
"But in the end. I'm sure he wished that he never volunteered" said Floch.
'I'm so gonna punch him later'

"Thanks for that, I'll laugh if you guys screw up the ceremony" she said and left.
"Hey, why did you tell her that?" asked Jean.
"Because, somebody has to speak the truth around here" he said and looked at Armin.

"You know, funerals aren't for the dead. But for the living, it's what they need to move on. And sometimes, just telling the nice things will help people do that" I said.

"Lying to them, you mean?" asked Floch and I just stared right back at him.
"Listen" said Armin. "I heard about what you did, Floch. How hard you fought to ensure that Erwin survived"

"That's right" said Floch. "You should be dead. And Erwin should stand in your place. I'm not alone in thinking that. All of us do. Everyone who read that report had the same thought: why wasn't Erwin the one that was saved?"

"What do you know about Armin to justify saying that? Not a damn thing!" said Eren loudly.
"Yeah, right. I'm not his girlfriend or a childhood friend of his, hell I'm not his friend at all. But I can still tell you why he's the one standing here now. It's because you two got emotional and Captain Levi did the same. You made an irrational choice. You treated that syringe like it was yours and wasted it. He's alive because you think your friends are more important than the rest of us" said Floch.

Eren stepped forward. "Alright, I think it's time you shut your mouth" he said.
"Eren, I bet even at your core, you're almost completely certain you're in the right. That's why you wouldn't give up. You're like a little kid who won't listen to reason" said Floch.

Mikasa laid a hand on his shoulder. "Eren, just leave him be, alright" she said.
"At least Mikasa and Nora acted like adults out there. I saw them give up in the end" he said and I looked down.
Armin took my hand and squeezed it. I looked up and he nodded, saying that he doesn't blame me.

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