Chapter 26

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-Nora POV-

We got out of the house just in time. When we looked down from the hill, we saw MP’s bursting through the door.

“That was close” said Conny. “What if they had caught us. Would they rip out our nails too?”
“How did Commander Erwin know that they were headed here?” I asked.

“The government has passed down some new orders. There has been a freeze on all Scout activity outside the wall. We’re to have hand over Eren and Historia” said dad, making us all tense up.

“Captain” said the woman. “I didn’t have time to tell you. But some MP’s came for the Commander right after I left him”
“What? Like he’s some kind of criminal?” asked Hange.

“They’re bringing this fight out if the open. No more working from the shadows” said dad.
“They’re gonna protect the walls secret at any cost. But why? And what exactly are they after Eren and Historia for? They don’t want them dead, so what are they planning?” asked Hange.

“Who knows, but they want those two and they’re not being subtle about it” said dad.
“Which makes lingering here dangerous” I said.

“You’re right. We’ll move Eren and Historia to Trost” he said.
“We’re taking them to the same district where Pastor Nick was just murdered?” asked Moblit.

“Heading into the interior would be worse. With Trost in a panic it should be easy to slip in. And if things do get all to hell. We can use these in the city” said dad and showed his ODM-gear.
“That’s true. Plus, Jean and I are from Trost. We know the area” I said.

“We don’t know the identity of our enemy yet. I have an idea of how we can change that” said dad. “Hange. I’ll need you to lend me some of your squad”

“No problem. Alright, I’m going after Commander Erwin. Moblit’s with me. The rest of you will go with Levi” she said.
“Hange” said Eren and walked to her. “Here, I remembered a conversation between Ymir and Berthold. I wrote it down for you”
“Thank you, I’ll take a look at it later” she said and left.


“Is this going to work? I mean, I’m a guy” said Armin when he switched clothes with Historia.
“Don’t worry. As long as you look like the description, it’ll be fine” I said and put the wig on tight on Armin’s head. “Don’t worry. We’ll be close to you the whole time”

“I know. But dresses are so unpractical” he said and I laughed.
“Now you know why I never wear them” I looked at Armin and smiled. “I think I’m done”

“Wow, Nora. You’re really good at this. Armin looks just like Historia” said Sasha and I chuckled.
Armin got embarrassed, so I kissed his cheek.

“Are you all ready?” asked dad. Jean and Armin were going to stand-in for Eren and Historia.
“Yeah, he’s ready” I said.


We walked into Trost, people were getting food from the King.
“Try not to walk clustered together. We’ll stand out” said dad. “Eren and Historia, just act normal”

“Why is the royal flag hanging everywhere?” asked Conny.
“Today is the anniversary of the King’s coronation. Once a year they hand out extra rations to celebrate it” I explained.

“All that food and he’s just giving it away?” asked Sasha.
“It’s not like he needs it all” said dad. “Easier to control people when they’re not starving”

We kept on walking but suddenly my dad stopped.
“Behind us!” he shouted. “Look out!”
“Armin…” began Sasha but she rephrased it. “Eh, I mean Krista and Eren! Those bastards are running off with them!”

“Smooth, Sasha. Real smooth” I said with sarcasm.
I ran with Mikasa after Armin and Jean.

We followed them to a warehouse. They tied them up and a man began to feel up Armin.
I was getting angry, but I had to wait to act….

I went back to my father. “How’s everything going inside?” he asked.
“If we wait very much longer, they’ll see through Armin’s disguise” I said and baled my fists. “He’s getting pawed at”

“I see” said dad.
“How’s your leg doing?” I asked.
“I can move well enough. Now then, did you notice? These kidnappers are obviously rank amateurs. Why wouldn’t they use professionals for a job like this? You can handle the rest on your own. I’m gonna make my way to Eren. You can meet up with me when you’re done taking out the trash here” he said.

“Got it”
“There’s one more thing you should know” he said. “Just in case, tell Armin and the others too. It’s not just Titans anymore. We’re fighting humans too”

My eyes widened, but I knew he was right. “Okay” I said and he left.
I went back to the others, and we set our plan in motion.

Mikasa took out the guard.
“They’re sure about this?” asked a man who walked in. “These are the two we’re looking for?”
“Yeah, they fit the description to a tea” said another one.

“Where’s the guard?”
When they were close enough, Mikasa and I took 2 of the 4 people out.
“What the hell?” said the eldest one. The younger one took out a gun and Armin and Jean ran to them.

“Don’t even think about moving” said Jean.
“Conny, are these four really all of them?” asked Mikasa.
“Yeah, that’s all” said Conny. The one Mikasa was sitting up, went to grab the gun that had fallen on the ground. But Sasha fired an arrow straight into the hole, making him stop.

“Move again and you won’t like where the next shot hits” she said.
“Alright” I said. “First we get these guys secured. Then we meet up with the Captain”

“What do you mean?” asked Conny.
“Those were his orders. He left a message too…”

-Levi POV-

I met up with Nifa. “Well?” I asked.
“The road is crowed but I haven’t seen anything unusual. It’s not much further for Commander Pyxis from here. But how’s the body double mission?” she asked.

“A success” I said and looked at the wagon.
“You don’t seem very pleased about that” she said.

“I’m not” I said. ‘Something is wrong. Military Police can’t be behind this. They’re too careful of their reputation to use amateurs. This is more like… they’d know the wagon would be followed. Support team wouldn’t be far behind’

“Captain, wagon’s almost on the move again” said Nifa.
“Nifa. You’ve heard of Kenny the Ripper?” I asked.

“That mass murderer in the capitol? The one who slit the throats of over a hundred MP’s? Of course, but I always just thought he was an urban legend” she answered.

“The stories are all true. He’s no legend. I lived with him, back when I was a kid” I told her.
“Yeah, very funny sir. This isn’t really the time to be making jokes” she said.

‘That’s right. He wouldn’t care about using amateurs. The team would trail the wagon from both rear angles. They’d chose a spot high up. Somewhere with a clear line of sight’

Then, I heard someone. “Nifa!” I shouted and ducked. But it was too late. Someone shot her in the head. I quickly went behind the chimney.

“Long time, Levi” it was Kenny… Of course it was… “Still wondered if you’d grown some. Especially after becoming a daddy”

I heard him reload and he flew above me.
“Nope! Doesn’t look like you’ve changed much at all, boy!” he shouted.
I drew my swords and shouted: “Kenny!”

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