6. All Alone.

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Eamon sat at the kitchen counter alone, eating the last piece of the fourth casserole that Y/N had brought over from her mother. They were lifesavers, both the hotdish and Y/N. He had felt too depressed to cook anything over the past few weeks, so cereal and leftover hotdish had been his sole sustenance.

And Y/N's company had become invaluable to him as well, even though they would barely ever speak and mostly just sat in silence or cried, having someone who was feeling the same pain that he was made it so much more bearable.

Once he finished the final piece of the casserole he set his fork down and after some consideration decided to call Y/N's mom to thank her for her continued gestures of kindness. Flipping through the phone book he kept by the home phone he looked for several minutes before he eventually found the phone number of Miss L/N and dialed.

The phone rang several times and Eamon waited anxiously until he heard the sound of someone picking up. "Who's this?" A laid-back female voice said on the other end of the line.

"Hello, Miss L/N," Eamon greeted her, using as friendly of a voice as he could manage, he wanted to make a good first impression considering all the hotdishes that she had the kindness to make for him. "My name is Eamon O'Dargan, and I'd like to thank you-" he began.

"Who are you?" Y/N's mom cut him off in a surprisingly rude way given how incredibly polite her daughter was."Look whatever you're selling I don't want it-" she started scolding him.

"-Wait, I'm Sean's father," Eamon interrupted her quickly, thinking that she might recognize him as the father of the friend of her daughter. "You've been sending Y/N over to deliver the hot dishes you've made-" he added further details in hopes of jogging the woman's memory.

"-I don't cook," She stepped on his words again and sounded surprisingly offended, "and if I did I wouldn't waste it sending it to strangers."

Eamon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her words. She clearly hadn't made any hot dishes for him, but then why did Y/N always say that her mother sent her over with them? "You mean you didn't send Y/N over-" Eamon tried to ask, just to be sure.

"Of course not, do you I look like a pimp!?" Miss L/N exploded in pure anger and indignation. He could hear the rage in her voice even though the phone. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to give that brat of mine a talking to!" She yelled.

"Miss L/N- she hung up," Eamon tried to reason with her, but the line went dead before he could get the words out. He put the phone back down in the receiver reluctantly even though the phone call had ended in such an unsatisfactory way. The creases on his forehead deepened as he thought over the brief conversation.

Normally Eamon would have just shrugged the whole thing off as a miscommunication and been done with it, but he couldn't. The whole thing was perplexing, and he wasn't just going to forget it. He couldn't make heads or tails of it, but he got a bad feeling in his stomach when he recalled the bitterness in Miss L/N's voice when she mentioned Y/N.

. . .

Y/N sighed as she trudged up the stairs to the apartment, her work uniform dripping with ice cream and rainwater, her worn-out shoes dragging against the cheap carpet in the stairwell as she reached the landing on her level and walked down the dirty hall.

Y/N slipped through the front door as quietly as she could. It was Friday night, so her mom would hopefully be too busy having a one-night stand or drugged out on the couch to notice her. The first thing she noticed when she entered was her mother giving a blowjob to a random man who was heavily intoxicated.

"Hey slut, wanna tell me about where you've been sneaking off to?!" Y/N's mom yelled as soon as she heard the door close, removing herself from the stranger's hold and turning to glare at her daughter.

"What do you mean-"  Y/N asked. She couldn't think of anything she had done that would make her mom this angry.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME YOU BITCH!" She screamed, interrupting Y/N as she stomped across the small living room and slapped Y/N's cheek, hard. "I know that you've been sneaking off to fuck some middle-aged man like a whore!" She accused her angrily.

"No! You don't understand-" Y/N tried to present her case, clutching her stinging cheek.

"-DON'T TALK BACK TO ME!!" She screamed, hitting her daughter again. "I have fed you, housed you, even though you are nothing but a mistake and this is the thanks I get!?"

"Please mom, just listen-" Y/N begging her eyes watering from the pain even though she had been hit by her mother countless times.

"-I SHOULD HAVE ABORTED YOU!!" Miss L/N shouted as she latched her fingers into Y/N's H/C locks and started shaking her. "Your father was content just paying child support, he never wanted to be a part of your life, and neither would I if I had the choice not to be!!" Using Y/N's hair she threw her against the wall. "No one loves you! No one wants you! And no one ever will!!"

Hot pain filled Y/N's head and the rest of her body as she collided with the wall. No one loves me... No one wants me... And no one ever will... She thought, her vision blurred by pain and tears.

"You're worthless!!!" Miss L/N screamed as she continued to smash Y/N against the wall, her hook-up too inebriated to do anything to stop the abuse, not that he would want to even if he was sober. "I wish you were dead!!"

I'm worthless... Y/N thought, her body going limp as she tried to ignore the pain filling every part of her body. I wish I was dead...

"Stay down you slut!!" She growled, finally satisfied she let go of Y/N's hair, causing the girl to fall to the floor at the base of the wall that she was beaten against. "You're all alone!!!" Miss L/N stalked off to her bedroom, taking the strange man with her.

Once she was alone, Y/N curled up her shaking, bruised body and began to silently cry on the floor. I'm all alone...


Poor Y/N just can't catch a break, can she? Honestly, I feel really bad for her, she's got to be one of the most abused Y/N's I've written to date.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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