10. Mostly Legal Adoption.

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Y/N stood there in complete shock at Eamon's words, trying to understand what he just said. He-he wants to adopt me, but why? Y/N thought, her mind spinning as she struggled to understand why Eamon would want to take her in when her own mother and father didn't even want her.

"I know that it's sudden and a bit out of the blue," Eamon said quickly, his face showing clear nervousness and anxiety as he hurried to explain his reasoning. "But ever since you told me how your mother treated you I've been planning to get her custody taken away, but without any other family by the look of it, you'd most likely end up in the foster system, which isn't much better. That's why, even though it may seem sudden, I decided to get the paperwork ready but, if you'd rather live in the foster system I understand or even go back to your mom, it's your choice and this paperwork will take a one-way trip to the shredder if you're not interested."

"w-why?" Y/N stammered, not sure how to react to the fact that someone cared so much about her and her future. "Why do you care so much about what happens to me?" She asked in confusion.

"Well, you're a very sweet girl, and I think you deserve better in life," Eamon told her, his voice filled with compassion. "And I suppose after Sean... Passed I want to do everything in my power to help anyone I can... Strange I know-" he continued, his mannerisms becoming increasingly subdued.

"I-I don't think it's strange, I think it's very kind of you," Y/N cut in, her voice filled with uncertainty. The thought of someone actually caring for her and wanting her was completely foreign to her so she was hesitant to get her hopes up, still fearing that it was some kind of cruel trick. "A-and I-I don't think I'd mind it if you adopted me - I just don't want to be a burden to you-" She said insecurely.

"Oh Y/N, you could never be a burden to me," Eamon told her in a voice filled with nothing but kindness as he pulled her into a hug, moving slow enough that she could pull away if she wanted to avoid the contact. She hugged him back, the gentle care of the embrace reminding her of the only other person who had ever hugged her; Sean. "You have helped me more than I can possibly say in the past month, this is the least I can do in return," He told her, every word truly heartfelt.

"E-Eamon..." Y/N stammered after several seconds of science with a questioning inflection to her tone.

"Yes?" Eamon responded, pulling away enough that he could look down at her, his face filled with gentle concern. "Is something wrong?"

"Is-is this whole adopting me thing even legal?" Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible, she still couldn't believe what she was saying was true.

"Yes," Eamon reassured her, his light eyes twinkling with amusement as he let out a low chuckle. "I may have to pull on some connections of mine, but it is perfectly legal... for the most part."

. . .

The next several days passed in a blur as after getting her testimony and proof of the abuse she had suffered Eamon wanted to keep Y/N as far removed from the messy court proceedings as he possibly could. She didn't mind as she found the thought of all the complex legal matters very intimidating, but this meant that she was virtually in the dark when it came to what was going on with the matter of her custody.

Eamon was so involved with it all that he was barely home over the next week, but fearing that Y/N would be lonely he instructed his housekeeper to keep Y/N company when she was there. When the next weekend came around and he got word that he'd be wrapping up the legal proceedings and he'd be unable to spend much time at home he gave one of his credit cards to Annie and told her to take Y/N shopping for a new wardrobe and anything else she may need.

The old housekeeper happily agreed, having grown very fond of the timid girl over the past week. Annie told Y/N on Saturday morning that she would be taking her clothes shopping after breakfast. Y/N tried to decline not wanting to be a bother, even though she had been living in her work uniform and Eamon's t-shirts for the past week, but the kind woman was adamant and the girl eventually gave in.

Once they finished breakfast Annie bustled Y/N into her car and they started. Annie was a kind German woman who gushed the entire car ride about how she always wanted a daughter and was so excited to take the 16-year-old girl shopping for clothes. Y/N normally was very shy and skittish especially around new people, but the old woman was just so sweet that Y/N couldn't help but open up around her quickly.

The ride into the city was by far the most pleasant one Y/N had ever had as she was used to taking the dodgy public transport and walking a good portion of the way. Annie took them to a higher-end department store in the nice district of the city and Y/N felt very overwhelmed the moment they stepped through the glass doors into the fancy store filled with sparkling lights.

Y/N had only been able to purchase clothes second hand and never had as vast of a selection of beautiful clothes as could be found in the department store. She let Annie lead her around the store like a lost lamb, gaping silently at everything.

Annie told her to pick out whatever clothes she liked and Y/N would be especially drawn to certain items but would always cringe and try to put it back once she caught sight of the price, but with her keen eyes the housekeeper would always notice and hurry over to take the item in question and put it in the cart saying in response to Y/N's protests "you're a pretty girl, you need pretty things."

Eventually, Y/N stopped trying to change the mind of the immovable German woman and would just watch in embarrassed silence as the pile of clothing in the cart was added to. They were pastel and cute for the most part, with the majority being pink, some would say that they looked childish but Y/N had never been able to wear cute girly things so she was excited that she could even if she was a bit late.

After clothes, Annie also bought Y/N a matching set of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and perfume insisting that they were essential along with several other hygiene products. Y/N hid her face hands as they rang up at the cash register, embarrassed by how much money they were spending, Annie just laughed and told her that Eamon made a fair amount and wasn't likely to even notice. Despite her embarrassment at the amount of money being spent on her, Y/N couldn't deny that it was the best afternoon she had in a long time.


Eamon is such a caring guy, honestly, he's the best. And Y/N's finally getting the care that she deserves, it's so sad that things go so badly wrong.

Also, I'll be switching back to writing Motheaten Memories tomorrow. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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