7. Maybe Not So Alone?

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Eamon sat at the dining room table, staring at the clock on the wall and watching the hands move slowly. He had tried to go to sleep, but once again his grief kept him from being able to. When he tried to close his eyes his mind would be filled with the memories of Sean's last weeks and he couldn't bear to think about it.

So he'd gotten out of bed and walked down to the kitchen, brewing himself a cup of strong black coffee and retiring to sit at the kitchen table. He listened to the gentle ticking of the clock and the pattering of the rain outside, doing his best to relax his mind, but whenever he got close memories of his strange conversation with Y/N's mom would creep their way to the forefront of his attention.

He couldn't shake the bad feeling he got in the pit of his stomach but since there wasn't much he could do about it he tried his best to just ignore it. He continued listening to the gentle ticking of the clock, unaware that his eyes were growing heavy, without realizing it he drifted off into a fitful sleep.


He was screaming, but she was slumped and unresponsive in the passenger seat next to him, a trickle of blood running down her face. His whole body ached and was incredibly sore. He felt cold, incredibly cold. But all his physical discomfort was overshadowed by his panic over her state.

"Y/N!!! I NEED YOU!!!

He screamed, but her E/C eyes remained shut and her body still within the mangled frame of the car. They were sprawled at the base of a gully, with bits of destroyed car scattered around them and snowflakes hanging in the air. Eamon could feel the cold against his skin and his aching limbs, but before he could reach out and shake Y/N he was distracted by thunderous bangs that seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Suddenly Eamon jerked upright, nearly spilling his coffee. I must have dozed off he thought as he looked up at the clock on the wall from where he sat at the dining room table and saw that it was quarter past one. He nearly jumped out of his chair when he heard the banging resume, at first he thought it was thunder from the storm outside, but after a moment it became clear that it was coming from the front door.

Cautiously given the hour, he advised towards the front door. Muscles tense he looked through the peephole to check that there wasn't anyone dangerous out there. His eyes widened in surprise when he recognized the hunched figure of Y/N and he hurried to unlock the door and pull it open.

"Y/N why are you here so late - what happened to you?!" Eamon's composure faltered as he noticed that her clothes were sopping wet and her hair was tangled, even in the dim light of the street lamps he could tell that she looked dreadful.

"Help m-me," She whimpered, and he felt his chest contract as she looked up and he saw blood trickling down the side of her face and an ugly purple bruise over her eye. "please..."

"Of course," He said at once, reaching out to help support her over the threshold. "Here come inside," he helped her down the hallway, not even bothering to re-lock the front door.

Eamon had to support the trembling girl until they arrived in the spacious living room. Once Eamon was sure that the girl was comfortably seated he straightened up and said, "You wait here, I'll run and get the first aid from the bathroom." He spoke as gently as he could, not wanting to frighten her anymore. Y/N just nodded her head slightly, her arms wrapped around herself as she continued to shake.

He turned around and hurried up the stairs two at a time, his long legs carrying him quickly to the hall bathroom where he kept a first aid in case of household accidents. Box in hand and a big fluffy towel slung over his shoulders he hurried back down the stairs to find that Y/N still sat in the same pitiful position that he had left her in.

"Alright," Eamon said, doing his best to be cheerful to try and make Y/N feel better. "Let's get you cleaned up shall we?" He asked as he opened the box, again, the only response he got was a small nod.

Without further delay, he took out the cleaning solution, some cotton swabs, bandages, and a washcloth that he had dampened in the sink before coming back downstairs. He started by cleaning the blood from her face around the cut that sat close to her hairline. He let out a small breath when he saw that the cut wasn't large enough to require a late-night trip to urgent care. Once the area was clean he used a cotton swab to apply the cleaning solution to the cut. "Shh, I know it stings but you're doing great," he soothed Y/N as she winced from the sting of the cleaning fluid.

"What happened to you?" Eamon asked gently as he looked over her arms, applying ointment to several bruises along with her black eye, once that was done he put bandages on her cuts. "You're scraped up pretty bad." 

Y/N shook her head vehemently, still refusing to speak. "No pressure," He added quickly, not wanting to put the girl through any more stress than she already had been. "You can tell me when you're ready. "

Poor kid, she's really skittish, isn't she? He thought sadly as he draped a large towel around her shaking shoulders. I just wish I could do more to help her.

I wonder if miss L/N had anything to do with this? His thoughts darkened and he unconsciously frowned. Was it possible that Y/N was being abused at home? Her mom didn't sound like the most caring mother on the phone. The very thought made his blood boil, he couldn't believe that a parent would ever be able to harm the blessing that was their child.

"Th-thank you, I'm sorry that I bothered you so late," Y/N finally spoke up as she got to her feet and moved towards the front door. "I should be going now-"

"-Hold on!" Eamon said, the worry in his voice coming off as aggression and causing the girl to jump with fright, he quickly altered his tone as to not frighten her anymore. "I can't in good conscience let you go out wandering the streets after you've come to my door so dinged up, especially at this time of night."

"I'll be fine," She told him, but it wasn't in a confident way. She said it as though it didn't matter whether or not something bad happened to her. "You don't need to worry about me."

"But I will," He stated, catching her off guard by the sheer concern and empathy in his graey-blue eyes. "Spend the night, I insist. You can have your pick of the two guest rooms," he offered.

Y/N hesitated. She was so used to being surrounded by people who only wanted to hurt her that having someone who actually cared about her wellbeing was strangely unsettling. She shook off those feelings as she remembered that Eamon was Sean's father, and had only ever treated her with kindness and respect before and after his son's passing. "Alright, thank you." She agreed.


Fun fact: I cut my head open and had staples put in when I was younger...  Now that I think about it, that's probably why I can treat my characters so cruelly. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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